How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (2024)

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✓ at a glance

  • Promised Consort Radahn is weak to bleed, he can also be parried.
  • In phase two, you will fight Radahn, Promised Consort and he will have extra holy damage.
  • Use Spirit Ashes and don’t summon Ansbach.
  • Buff up using Boiled Prawns and anything to help with damage negation.

Promised Consort Radahn is the final boss of the DLC’s story and his second phase, Radahn Consort of Miquella, will really give you a run for your Runes. Ignoring the fact that Promised Consort Radahn kind of looks like Ganondorf, FromSoft really decided to use the same boss again, for the thousandth time overall if you’re keeping score.

With that in mind, however, this fight is much different to his boss battle in the base game. After a lot of trial and error, let’s take a look at how to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree. We’ll walk you through how we beat this chump and the best ways to exploit his attacks.

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (1)

Promised Consort Radahn location

You’ll find Promised Consort Radahn at the very end of Enir-Illim, the final story-focused Legacy Dungeon in the DLC. You will get a Site of Grace, the Divine Gate Front Staircase, directly in front of the boss room. Head up the stairs and pay your respects to Ansbach if you helped him out earlier. He’ll be a bro and help out in this fight if you want.

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (2)

Recommended gear and our build

For the penultimate time for these boss guides we’ve walked you through, let’s hear it for the Rivers of Blood. Confirmed to be the best weapon in the game (biasedly, by us, with no research), this weapon and build carried us through each boss fight in the DLC.

  • Rivers of Blood +10, Messmer Soldier Shield (Golden Parry)
  • Gaius’s Helm, Beast Champion Armor, Rellana’s Gloves, Oathseeker Knight’s Greaves.
  • Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2, Two-Handed Sword Talisman, Erdtree’s Favor +2, Crimson Seed Talisman.
  • Radahn’s Great Rune (Activated).
  • Mimic Tear +10.

Also, let’s hear it for the Mimic Tear. Truly, FromSoft knew the absolute nonsense and annoying fights it was going to throw our way and gave us this beautiful son-of-a-gun Spirit Ash to be there for us when no one else would. As an added bonus, here are all of our stats for the fight. Praise the Rivers of Blood.

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (3)

Radahn, Promised Consort boss guide

Let’s get into it. For this fight, we highly recommend you do not summon Ansbach. If you do, he will amp up Radahn’s health into the stratosphere and only hinder you in the long run. If you do summon him, he will have some words for Radahn which is cool. When you enter the boss’s room, Radahn will charge at you and pressure you from the start. Don’t be fooled, this is to get a free hit on you while you summon your Spirit Ash.

✓ Take your time

Buff up before you go in. When you enter the arena, look at what Radahn does. If he isn’t attacking in the first few seconds, summon your Spirit Ash. If he is attacking towards you, wait to roll out the way and then summon your Spirit Ash immediately.

If he comes in hot, he will usually choose to spin towards you with a gravity-infused strike. He will leap forward and spin, landing in a nasty AoE hit. You can roll forward through this and he will glide over you. If you get hit, heal up immediately and reassess. Depending on how these first few seconds go can dictate the attempt. Even if you wanted to, you can’t get very far from Radahn.

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (4)

To this end, you must double down on matching his aggressive attitude. Keep close, stay on the offensive, and try to bait his normal sword swing attacks from the front. If you attack him from the flank while he’s distracted, he can turn on a dime and smack you with his combo instead of focusing on your NPC or Spirit Ash, making this hard to read and predict. If you’re feeling fancy, you can and should parry Radahn to keep him in check; a well-timed parry can create some much-needed breathing space in a boss fight that never lets up the combos.

✓ Parry gods, rise up

It’s finally your time to shine. Radahn can be parried and he absolutely hates it. Get in a few and you’ll stance-break him for a critical. Bait his melee swings to exploit this, and always use Golden Parry.

We do not recommend hiding behind your shield, though. He hits so fast and so frequently you’ll be down for the count in no time. If parrying isn’t for you, stay close to him and roll towards him for most of the attacks. If an attack comes overhead, roll to the right. If it’s a sweep, roll forward. Rolling forward will help you dodge through AoE gravity attacks as well. Never roll backwards, you will be hit by the roll-catching nonsense that is programmed into all of his attacks.

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (5)

There are several attacks to watch out for when you’re in front of Radahn. He can perform an AoE ground stomp, a gravity-infused slash, a gravity AoE that spreads out from his position, and an upward swing that launches him into the air. If you can’t tell, you will have to dodge a lot of nonsense, but going into his attacks more than anything will see you evade safely.

The launching attack isn’t too bad, but he will float in the air and summon meteors to shoot at you afterwards. He will fire eight at you and they will track to your positions. Dodging to the side is your best bet here, try not to dash away because you will get hit and take double damage. The best time to get in some damage is when Radahn is ending his melee combos. He will stay still for a while and won’t turn around to hit you, making this a good strategy if using a Spirit Ash or Ansbach.

✓ He wants you closer than close

If you get too far, Radahn can use a pulling AoE with a massive range to drag you towards him.

One attack that can be a nearly instant kill on you is his double slash. He will hold both swords under each arm and then cut in an X pattern in front. This has a huge range and will clear to the side of him as well. If he’s being ganged up on by you, Ansbach, and the Mimic Tear, he will use this attack. One hit will do more than half your HP. Don’t be discouraged, you should keep taking risks to get in hits when you can, otherwise, you won’t get anywhere.

✓ Not today, Satan

Use anything and everything you can to help you get an edge in this fight. In case you’re unaware, the boss fights in Elden Ring are designed heavily around you using Spirit Ashes. Do yourself a favour and lean into that.

It might take you a few tries, but if you get him to half HP you will enter the second phase. Our advice to get there is to think about your approach. You should begin to see openings in his moves that you can exploit, especially when he finishes a combo. Get in enough hits and you can also stagger him, as well as trigger bleed. It’s in your best interest to heal as soon as you’re hurt, just make sure it’s safe to do so and make sure you have high HP.

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (6)

Radahn has some gravity spells in his arsenal. This is a large AoE. Image taken by VideoGamer

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (7)

Watching the fight unfold. Image taken by VideoGamer

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (8)

Phase two, my old nemesis. Image taken by VideoGamer

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (9)

We did it! But at what cost? Image taken by VideoGamer



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How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (10)
How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (11)
How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (12)
How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (13)



Radahn, Consort of Miquella – phase two

Phase two. Why’d it have to be phase two? If he wasn’t already before after being parried into next year, Radahn will be even angrier than before. Phase two can start one of three ways: the first is his ranged twirling attack infused with gravity he likes to do at the very start of the fight. Second, he could use a shiny new holy-infused AoE that has a huge radius. Or three, you could die immediately if you get caught by either of these attacks at half HP.

✓ Watch for AOE

Even if you attack him from behind, some final hits of his combos in phase two will create an AoE explosion all around him. This caught us out and killed us instantly with perhaps 70% HP.

Make sure your HP is high and look for what he does. More often than not, he will use the golden AoE. This involves Radahn standing still and summoning a huge circle of gold on your position. As soon as you see this, sprint to the edge to get to safety. You could get lucky and see Radahn is outside of the radius, and if he is, go and smack him a few times for good measure. After the attack goes off, there will be beams of gold raining down. Ignore them and press on to attack. Just don’t die a cheap death like us in the GIF below…

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (14)

Phase two gives all of his attacks an extra instance of holy damage and these attacks will now have another hit following them, spraying gold after each swipe. They follow a linear path in front of his swipes, so this gives you even more reason to roll to the side, instead of backwards. Now his attacks are enhanced, they, of course, do more damage to you. The same principle remains in this phase; stay close and match his aggression.

You want to avoid being in mid-range in this phase because of one combo in particular. Radahn will pose and his swords will glow and then he will launch into a multi-hit combo that spreads holy behind you and to the side. This caught us out badly, but we think if you roll towards his attacks like this, you will avoid the other instances of damage behind you.

Equally, another attack that is guaranteed to kill you is his meteor strike attack, now with more combos in phase two. After the upwards slash and the meteors, Radahn will now fire out several quickfire copies of himself onto your position, hitting five times in total. The final slam will also cause an AoE, because why wouldn’t it?

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (15)

Radahn has a weird grab attack in this phase that doesn’t seem to do anything immediately. Miquella will talk to you and then place you back down. Radahn will then try and go for a swing, but you have enough time to recover and dodge. We managed to kill Radahn after this grab attack got us, giving us enough time to smack him once to get the W.

✓ Radahn cheating, what do?

At the end of the day, you will have to stay determined to get through this fight. Equally, you can always grind out some levels and come back later. We took him on at level 206, and this is probably a bit low for this boss. One of the best strategies is to use and abuse the Mimic Tear, honestly. While the summon has aggro, go in for an attack after the combo ends. You can get so much damage in on him while he resets after the attacks.

We hope this helps you beat Radahn, Consort of Miquella in Shadow of the Erdtree. This boss verges on the unfair throughout the entire fight. If you continue to struggle, take a break. You can always hop around for any Scadutree Blessings you might have missed and pump more levels to get stronger. You can beat him, just give it time.

Promised Consort Radahn move list

It turns out that Radahn doesn’t have a lot of attacks, he just loves to spam them so fast and frequently that it will seem like he will never stop hurting your body and soul. Whether it’s Promised Consort Radahn or Radahn, Consort of Miquella, take a look at all of his attacks to see what might be getting you killed and how you can tackle it.

Spinning LungeRadahn will typically use this at the start of the fight. His sword will glow purple and he will jump, spinning towards you, ending in an attack.Don’t be intimidated. Wait for him to get close and then roll forward. It helps to remove the lock-on for this.
Melee Combo 1Radahn will perform four hits with his swords. The pattern goes: a right-hand swipe, horizontal left-hand slash, right and left-hand swipe to the right, ending in an overhead slash with both swords.All of these attacks can be parried, but you should keep trying to roll forward to avoid them if you don’t want to parry. Rolling backwards will get you caught in the range.
Juggling ComboRadahn will slowly sweep you into the air and then hit you back down to the ground.When his swords are both put down to his left side, he is going to use this attack. Try to block, or roll forward once and then roll to the side.
Melee Combo 2Three swings of his swords, ending in a cross-slash with both of them.The final slash causes a slight shockwave on the ground. As always, roll towards the attacks and parry if you think you have the right stuff.
Upwards Swing into Meteors Radahn will stab his swords into the ground and then lunge upwards. He will fly in the sky and shoot eight meteors at you. These track your movement.This move is difficult to dodge. Rolling to the right seems to help you avoid it reliably, due to how they track and the impact they have when they land.
Fliping SlashRadahn will flip into the air and slice overhead, landing with impact. This attack will hit you twice if you get caught in the first flip. He will flip once more after landing the attack.It is very predictable to dodge if this move comes out. Wait for him to be in the air and then roll towards him. There will be a small AoE when he lands, but it never hit us. After the roll, be prepared to dodge again if he jumps into the air.
Flame-Infused SlashThis is a rare move where Promised Consort Radahn will slash and stab with his swords imbued with fire. These attacks will leave an after-effect behind them, and they will detonate afterwards. Dodge forward through the attack and keep moving to get clear of the explosion that comes afterwards.
Ground StompHe will stomp on the ground and cause a huge AoE shockwave. This move has another variant where the shockwave is small.You can jump over this attack if you time it. When he stops, the hit doesn’t come until a moment later. Jump over when you see the ground change and hit him while you do for good measure.
RepositionPromised Consort Radahn will dash and circle around you to try and get behind you.He can chain this into a combo, so don’t get greedy if you think he’s open here.
Melee Combo 3Radahn will perform several cuts with his swords, ending in a move where he jams his swords into the ground and then brings up them.This final hit will trigger the earth to erupt beneath you, dealing damage if you are caught by it. Try and roll through his attacks to get behind him while he’s in his combo. Otherwise, favour his left side if you can’t get past him.
Cross SlashRadahn will slash in front of him in an X with both swords. He can do this to clear you out if you’re to his side or directly in front.This move does a ton of damage. He likes to use it when you attack him during a combo, turning around to hit you immediately.
Holy AoE ExplosionIn phase two, Radahn can summon a huge AoE of holy magic that will explode.Get to the edge of the attack as soon as possible. You should sprint left or right, depending on which side you are closer to.
GrabThis grab attack doesn’t do much other have Miquella talk to you. You will be placed down and slightly dazed.When you get put down on the ground, Radahn will go for the kill. Roll into him or hit him back, just keep an eye on you HP.
Holy AoE After AttacksEvery melee swing Radahn does in phase two will now have an after-effect of Holy. This will create another hitbox and cause more damage in a combo. These attacks will catch you if you try to roll away from his attacks. You want to stay close if you’re caught and try to get to the side if you can.
Air Combo CopiesAfter the meteor strike in phase two, Radahn will send out golden copies of himself at the target of the meteors.This will attack you five times. After the meteors, keep rolling to the right. You need to dodge five hits in a row to escape this attack. If it lands on your summon, that’s the best outcome.
Melee Combo 4Radahn will pose with his swords cross near his head and they will glow gold. This is your cue to get the heck away from this bad man. He will attack several times, ending in a large swing. After he swings, holy damage will spray out of the attack, too. Run away from him if you can. If you’re stuck in close range, you will need to get lucky. Try and roll to his left side because most of his attacks here favour his right side and behind you. If you’re close, don’t roll back.

Promised Consort Radahn reward

With Radahn beaten, don’t be afraid to suggestively crouch and stand up repeatedly. He needs to know that you beat him and that you’re disrespecting him all at the same time. Jokes aside, congratulations on beating Radahn, Consort of Miquella. Bask in the glory for a while and pocket that Remembrance of a God and a Lord. Interact with the orb in the arena to get a cutscene. You also get the Let us Go Together gesture.

It is no mean feat getting this far and you should be proud of this accomplishment. Shadow of the Erdtree is extremely difficult in ways that are mostly annoying, so it’s not just congratulations it is an exercise in determination and patience with a game that punishes you simply for playing it.

In theory, you can now be totally done with this nightmare DLC and never return to the Land of Shadow. However, if you’re feeling masoch*stic, you should now go and fight Bayle the Dread, an optional super boss.

About the Author

How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (16)

Jack Webb

Jack Webb is a guides writer for VideoGamer.

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

  • Release Date:June 21, 2024
  • Platform(s):PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre(s):Action, RPG
  • Read Review


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How to beat Promised Consort Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree (2024)
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