Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (2024)


June 8, 2024

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00:00 Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before
12:16 Trying Expensive Fruit From Japan
21:19 Weird FOOD Youā€™ve Never Seen Before
31:27 Trying EXPENSIVE FRUIT From Japan
43:26 Weird Mukbang Food You Can Actually Eat
52:12 Trying Tik Tok Food Hacks to see if they work
01:06:10 I Tried Tik Tok Food Hacks to see if they work
01:18:02 Mini Every Day Objects You Can Actually Use
01:41:01 Mini Foods You Can Actually Eat
01:50:56 Trying The Squid Game Honeycomb Candy Challenge
01:58:59 Anime Food IN REAL LIFE
02:11:50 Recommended Video To Watch Next
02:03:01 Try Not To Say WOW Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
02:12:05 Recommended Video To Watch Next


Hello friends itā€™s me and we are back at it again with a bunch of super rare snacks do you see my shoes I put on these shoes to make me a little taller no you canā€™t take them off no no you canā€™t so I came across this really cool store that sold very rare snacks from other countries take a gander some of the things we got here Fried Chicken Cheetos Peach Fanta mystery Pringles Pizza flavored Cheetos bro are these even Cheetos itā€™s like 01613 KFC did a collab with lays and made KFC flavored chips we got some Supernova Mountain Dew whatever that is so I kind of panicked and bought a ton of stuff at the store and then I came home and realized that half the stuff was expired months ago that just adds more to the mystery flavor whatā€™s really cool is that the receipt says which country everything is from well Iā€™m going to get my least favorite one out of the way I want to do peanut Cheetos ew so they are Cheeto puffs peanut flavored hey that doesnā€™t sound right itā€™s supposed to be cheese the chei in Cheetos stand for cheese itā€™s the nut puff hereā€™s what the inside looks like theyā€™re slightly smaller Cheeto puffs they smell like peanut butter itā€™s like if a Cheeto never had any cheese on it and they slightly dusted some nut powder on it thatā€™s super plain yeah do really have much flavor which country came up with this atrocity theyā€™re from Poland I give these a two out of 10 trash put them where they belong disrespectful on the Cheetos name hopefully they can reclaim themselves with black pepper flavored Cheetos now these sound like a good time we got the dark brown bag I think this is very like aesthetic if you ask me and itā€™s got like some Cheeto comics on the back are these from Japan yeah I no I opened it the worst possible way but here you go so you guys can have a better view M this one smells Gourmet oh my God these are all right all right thatā€™s okay that is better than a regular Cheeto itā€™s like the cheese T different it tastes like real cheese real cheese Real Salt and Pepper like it was cracked on it I could eat this whole bag right now top five best chips Iā€™ve ever had in my life I donā€™t even really like Cheetos these are bomb Japan knows how to make a Cheeto next up weā€™re going to try a mystery Fanta and itā€™s called what the Fanta and it has no sugar have you seen a Fanta with no sugar my gosh no sugar no sugar itā€™s keto this was $15 by the way like they be charging $15 for a rare Fanta this oneā€™s from Thailand and itā€™s green Iā€™m guessing itā€™s green apple cuz itā€™s green smells like like floor cleaner the good kind doesnā€™t it this smells like green apple thatā€™s green apple yā€™all really going to call this a mystery flavor when itā€™s that shade of green like weā€™re fools or something that we realize that this is green apple do they not have green apples in Thailand or something I donā€™t know I expect something like exotic when itā€™s mystery itā€™s exotic to them I mean I guess next up we got the Pringles mystery flavor I donā€™t know how much more surprises I can take it comes in a white container very mysterious guess the flavor be in the wind okay so weā€™re going to take a sniff of this is it bacon flavored I might have to smell this again cheeks flavored stinks stinks nice and good by the way these are tiny look how small these are itā€™s like a Min Pringle baby Pringles Pringles on a diet you smell it again and Iā€™m going to taste it I canā€™t eat these these are not gluten-free we going to risk it all for the mystery oh did you what flavor did you get it says thereā€™s tomato in it is it pizza flavored it could very well be Pizza flavored listen as as someone who knows Pizza Pizza expert over here that ainā€™t no pizza it kind of tastes like pizza flavored itā€™s something itā€™s something Italian itā€™s something Italian itā€™s not P Italian zest flavor itā€™s like meatball or something meatball itā€™s like a meatball covered in tomato sauce could it could very well be meatball you would never guess judging by the packaging that it was a meatball maybe a bologan spaghetti spaghetti itā€™s in that family you could guess the flavor to win 150 THB thatā€™s $150 for Americans this one not chips but this one I thought was very interesting itā€™s Dr Pepper cotton candy which sounds absolutely disgusting Dr Pepper m a cotton candy oh no that looks like the lint you get out of your laundry yeah Iā€™m not sure about this one itā€™s like I just cleaned out my dryer it looked like a dry kidney you know the first like initial when it tushed my tongue it was like okay this is good and then itā€™s just I tasted the Dr Pepper yeah itā€™s like itā€™s like a sweet Dr Pepper Dr Pepper more like Dr disappointment do disrespect these flavors why do I keep eating this let me get some more are you serious thatā€™s pretty good just just a little bit just a little bit just a little more bite youā€™re crazy Iā€™m done yeah she says sheā€™s done after the video she eat all of it the KFC lce the moment youā€™ve all been waiting for is it finger looking good only at 7-Eleven why is the 7-Eleven donā€™t have anything good here does it smell like fried chicken it does not smell like KFC or fried chicken it just smell like laay the seasoning better be topnotch like Iā€™m biting into a gluten-free Fried Chicken M okay itā€™s like a really very light barbecue flavor yeah like a Smoky Barbecue itā€™s pretty good I think itā€™s like I wish it taste more like fried chicken me too get another disappointment next up we have ketchup lace and Iā€™m pretty sure they have these here I donā€™t think this is anything like too extraordinary wo the color did not disappoint they look like beet chips ooh they smell like ketchup oh wo like if you gave me a bottle of ketchup and then this and I took a blind whiff I would have called this is ketchup it tastes too tomatoey it tastes like ketchup it tastes like a tomato it tastes like fresh organic tomato ketchup it tastes like the good ketchup not like the fake ketchup you know what I mean itā€™s weird thereā€™s also vinegary dry ketchup on a chip thatā€™s what this is next up Supernova Mountain Dew whatever that is what makes it Supernova I donā€™t know itā€™s like this weird like rose gold orangey color I canā€™t open this I ainā€™t got that grip ow that hurts is it really yeah thatā€™s why they call it super Nova a super lid I had never seen a industrial lid like this before m d is like I like your cut [Laughter] G it tastes like a tropical Mountain Dew itā€™s good itā€™s not bad itā€™s okay itā€™s just like nothing special nothing super nova about it Mountain de really thought they did some but itā€™s so no for me I donā€™t really like soda unless itā€™s flavored I donā€™t care coming from the person who drinks static water this is really cool so I saw this and itā€™s basically Cheetos without cheese or any seasoning on it and then it has like a sauce packet and you just dip the Cheetos in it all right so it has like a little sauce container Iā€™m going to pretend w at the movies and I have my sauce open it up I donā€™t know what this is what smell that ew theyā€™re so dry so basically weā€™re going to season them with this oh that sauce this does not smell good it smell it it I donā€™t like the sauce oh that doesnā€™t look good I think itā€™s spicy smells spicy try a naked Cheeto first no you got to dump it in here do this right walk up to the movies like this my little snack are we eating a naked first the naked Cheeto actually taste delicious really I like it itā€™s all right itā€™s like itā€™s just salt and pepper on it thereā€™s no cheese M why does it taste better than a regular Cheeto Iā€™m pretty sure all this has the salt and pepper on it like this and itā€™s bomb it donā€™t need no sauce but Iā€™m going to taste the sauce anyway tast like a sa Cheeto it doesnā€™t have no flavoring oh you I donā€™t like the sauce look imagine eating a wet Cheeto it shouldnā€™t be wet is it sweet it is a little sweet itā€™s like a sweet sour sauce oh is it chicken wing itā€™s chicken wing flavor baloney chicken and macaroni chilling with my homie Fried Chicken chips round two Cheeto Edition these ones are spicy fried chicken they come back with a vengeance Chester out here holding a chili pepper we got some comics on the back anybody care to translate tell me why I wish the cheetah look like that piece of fried chicken hit it with that smell test smells like disappointment waiting to happen cheers how can they be less seasoned than the unseasoned ones they got seasoning what I want to know they got seasoning but they were like very frugal with it they just like yeah thatā€™s good and spicy how dare you put a chili pepper on it when the biggest Spice babies are eating these and itā€™s not spicy no I did not get a tickle of a spice I was super excited for this one now Iā€™m just sad and disappointed sure I want to go home to make up for that one oh thank God the one that digital been looking forward to the most I have been waiting for these giant Skittles I love Skittles this was $10 for a dang bag of Skittles it says softer inside woo and boyā€™s big look at that thing itā€™s slightly bigger than your average Skittle take these bad boys out ooh test take a bite oh theyā€™re very firm but theyā€™re sof on the inside itā€™s like eating three Skittles in one itā€™s everything I ever dreamed of how I normally eat Skittles do you really yeah good mom okay fine hold your hair Iā€™ll SP them out why okay Iā€™m sorry I feel like one Skittle Iā€™m done Iā€™m still chewing baby time to wash it down with some Peach Fanta and look how cute this little container is itā€™s like an aluminum bottle itā€™s got Peaches on it thatā€™s a fat juicy Momo oo Iā€™m scared this is going to explode it just like something like smacked my finger gentle it smells so nice does it sticks your whole mouth over it now I get to smell your breath dope I didnā€™t touch it whereā€™s the Fizz thereā€™s no Fizz itā€™s flat how long has been living in this can oh not bad broke the seal and and you see I like my soda to be very fizzy itā€™s very delicious but itā€™s not fizzy enough cucumber LS a smell like a dank pickle itā€™s like between a cucumber and a pickle arenā€™t pickles cucumbers yeah no uh-uh uh thatā€™s the worst one that is the worst one that is the worst I I canā€™t even out of all of these that was the most disgusting I had high hopes for that one cucumber chips that sounded bomb I think I had these a long time ago theyā€™re 3d Doritos or maybe Iā€™m just thinking of like bugles or something but these didnā€™t look like are they call them bugles what are they bugles bugles These are nice they look like they got air on they are fat they got filling in them I those are nice what kind of filling you want in a Dorito Che chocolate nacho cheese all right I like them when I was younger I used to love these ring chips I donā€™t know if it was this brand but this is a ghost pepper we cannot handle our spice the only spice we can handle is paika oh these Rings donā€™t even look like they can fit on my fingers and maybe my fingers just got bigger Rings ghost pepper letā€™s see how spicy it is thatā€™s spicy why is this so spicy I mean itā€™s ghost pepper I mean this is actually spicy so I thought these ring chips were like for kids for brave kids okay now thatā€™s how you do a mystery flavor they did peanut colada flavored but made it blue I feel like all mystery flavors are either peanut colada or you see the the the waste on this bottle this is SK me oh look it I got lucky and got two of them on no baby donā€™t oh no drink the milk drink the milk This Ss you wa second why is he lying you go hard okay put some respect on that pizza flavored 61613 can you just like look at this package it look like a bootleg Cheeto right but apparently in different countries they just got like different branding and different names wao these are like EXO EXO Cheetos look at this no we have to play tic tac toe with it you do the middle yeah I do right here oh no look at these look at these These are Cheetos why they blue like this tastes expired it kind of tastes like the cardboard under the pizza it doesnā€™t have any flavor seasoned cardboard board time to wash it down with some chocolate covered chips I just thought these were Neato coming in white chocolate oh okay like dipped smell pretty good taste pretty good itā€™s like crunchy chocolate these are expired these expired in March all this did was make me realize how well seasoned our chips are hello we are back home and today digital neck couldnā€™t join us so I am here with his wife V I wasnā€™t going to film eating these today but I am starving so weā€™re going to like dig into all the these bags that they gave me because I ended up going crazy at this place and spending almost 500 bucks [Music] [Music] on some fruit and then we went to the grocery store next door and they basically had the same things okay first things first the white strawberry Iā€™ve been dying to try this itā€™s strawberry seasoned and they have a little hat for it you know protection and then this this is a little cushion in the bottom of the container for the strawberry this must be the perfect strawberry I donā€™t even think I have to wash this thing look at this thing itā€™s gorgeous right the seeds are red which is the opposite of a red regular strawberry where the seeds are like whsh Iā€™m good to these ew that was a wet one do you want a bite I would like a bite Iā€™m going to slice it please have a bite oh what the inside is like completely white how is it so white thereā€™s like nothing in it no organs look like potato I think it was like $10 for a single strawberry cuz I got the bigger one thatā€™s pretty good I donā€™t know about $10 good but thatā€™s itā€™s not as sweet as a regular strawberry Iā€™m going to give that a three out of five I didnā€™t think it was like crazy but good thing I got a red strawberry so weā€™re going to try this one wow perfect strawberry comes with a little cushion take his little hat off Iā€™m going to give V A Little Slice thank you youā€™re very THU and then this one has insides as you can see thatā€™s fine itā€™s not $10 worth but think of the best strawberry youā€™ve ever had thatā€™s what it tastes like it was just perfect yeah it was a perfect strawberry but itā€™s like like I could go into a regular grocery store and then open the packs pick out the best strawberry in that one pack and it would be that one but except youā€™re paying like double the price of a pack for a single strawberry I donā€™t think thatā€™s worth it thatā€™s excessive that oneā€™s a good four out of five only because itā€™s nothing special next up we have this Behemoth of a sumo orange at least thatā€™s what they call it where Iā€™m from if digital next was an orange it would be this one do you see how big this is this thing is massive oh it smells good it reeks of citrus Iā€™m ready to take its hat off Iā€™m just going to like twist it off or just oh oh itā€™s my hat now okay and then peel this bad boy open itā€™s quite fragrant actually oh wow this stinks but like in a good way oh squirted in my eye thatā€™s what she said do you want me to peel whole thing I got this oh wow the orange wedge just like peeled off oh thatā€™s gorgeous delicious the past few months Iā€™ve been stealing oranges from my neighborā€™s tree because my neighbor has the best oranges I have ever tasted in my life and Iā€™m going to compare this to those oranges wow that is delicious but itā€™s not the oranges for my neighborā€™s tree my neighborā€™s tree is a five out of five theyā€™re sweeter I love oranges these are a little too tart for my liking but the texture amazing five out of five texture The Taste itā€™s a little too tart for me so Iā€™m going to give it a three out of five again perfectly ripe fruit but not worth the price this is like over $20 it was over $20 for that jeez because of the size and the hat you know youā€™re probably thinking like why buy fruit that expensive like itā€™s so stupid a lot of people buy them as gifts like oh Iā€™m meeting my mother-in-law here is a large fruit hereā€™s a large fruit because I love you you oh this was fun this is a fun thing this is a grapefruit it has a little surprise inside as you can see it hat has already been removed and it lifts off like a little lid and it has jelly inside it I need a little spoon oh thank you wow we have a spoon oh thereā€™s two of them perfect for me and you look at this thing itā€™s basically grapefruit jelly itā€™s like they cleaned out the grapefruit took everything out of it Juiced it and then mixed the juice with jelly itā€™s not that good I give this a one out of five I donā€™t like it this is very bitter it is very bitter thatā€™s not good so far Iā€™ve done nothing but get ripped off I believe this is a Yuzu I believe Iā€™ve only had Yuzu flavored things but Iā€™ve never had the actual fruit itself I think this one was like 20 bucks Iā€™m going to just slice it there ainā€™t nothing here Iā€™m going to peel it oh wow the smell of this is worth it by itself oh what a gorgeous scent smells so good so fragrance wow going to peel it like an orange so much skin for such little payout I know it is a lot of skin but it smells so good itā€™s a lot of seeds looks like a lemon hey you know what I think Iā€™m going to stick to Yu flavored things tastes like a sweet lemon I donā€™t really like it because Iā€™ve had sweet lemons before and they tasted better Iā€™m going give this a one out of five this is just like lemon not as tart and not as sweet am lemon is better that dang a 50 C lemon from the store tastes better than this how much you pay for that 20 bucks I think okay this is the star of the show but unfortunately I canā€™t eat it because Iā€™m allergic to the bread but look how gorgeous this is and they put ice on top of it the fruit Sando Wow have you seen anything more gorgeous than this okay you know what maybe I will take my gluten pill and I will have a bite of this this was $15 $15 for three half sandwiches Iā€™mma pop a gluten pill and Iā€™mma to have a bite I have never used these before but I will use them now to ease the digestion of the gluten I mean Iā€™m not supposed to use them because Iā€™m allergic okay oh the bread is so soft wow you can never find Glu free bread this soft itā€™s basically cream strawberry and bread wow the bread is not soggy in this country this has been in its package for hours the cream is amazing the cream is the best cream Iā€™ve ever had in my life the cream is a five out of five I think the bread isnā€™t that like isnā€™t anything special but the cream is absolutely delicious four out of five will anything get a perfect score today an apple I not really that impressed by this GMO Apple do you hear that that is a dense Apple I feel like American apples you like Dent them a little too hard and they bruise and they like chip that is a sturdy Apple weā€™re going to slice her wow that is literally a perfect Apple thatā€™s sweeter than I thought itā€™d be that is a good apple again it doesnā€™t taste like anything special itā€™s like a Costco Apple it is like probably the best apple youā€™ve ever had but not $10 for an apple okay thatā€™s good four out of five oh this is the start of the show this $200 for something that they packag in a bag like this they vent it oh no itā€™s like they knew I was just like messing around with this itā€™s supposed to be perfect itā€™s a melon this little antenna got messed up cuz they didnā€™t package it well I think I tried one of these last time I was in Japan I donā€™t remember it but like look how perfect this melon is like this went to private school it takes a shoes off before it enters its house musk melon is there a musk to it hello Elon are you in here okay Iā€™m just going to go at it 200 bucks right here this better be the best melon I ever had this is so stressful to me that you just did that okay it looks just like a regular honeydew you know this is the money melon weā€™re going to skip this out or you know maybe we should eat the seeds too if itā€™s that expensive going to save the seeds and then grow my own melon and Iā€™ll start charging $400 for them then what what will you do Elon melon melon musk eat it with The Cask on coward you know what the skin is like so perfect I just might the RH is so perfect you did that so nicely I cut a melon that is not that good I didnā€™t think I thought it would be better yeah what was so special about this melon that kind of sucks itā€™s not even the best honeydew Iā€™ve ever had Iā€™ve had better honeydews at like a regular grocery store I am severely disappointed in this melon they literally put this on a pedestal in the store you know what if you want to buy buy expensive fruit or like make a fancy fruit basket or something literally go to the grocery store and just pick out the best looking fruit and then make your own because for this price it is not worth it I mean Iā€™m going to eat it Iā€™m just disappointed melons melon very expensive melon I mean paying this much for a melon it should at least cut it for me maybe like even hand feed it to me Hello friends itā€™s me today weā€™re going to be checking out some food youā€™ve probably never seen before wo so they look like mini watermelons right but you open it up and itā€™s a cucumber it even got the seeds I was expecting the inside to be red yā€™all just dim me a bamboozle you guys might have seen this in another video but here we have a big round jelly Circle you shave it with this special device and thatā€™s how noodles are born oh wow fresh noodles straight off the block do you just not like the taste of milk well apparently they had flavored milk and Iā€™m not talking about chocolate and strawberry they got frosted flavor flavored milk cinnamon crunch and peanut butter so your milk can taste like your cereal but wet not crunchy I feel like if more people knew this existed they would buy it I had no idea this was a thing but I also donā€™t trust powdered milk it come from old cows you squeeze the udder milk does pop out and thatā€™s how you have powdered milk just kidding itā€™s not here we got bacon soda you see I imagine this to taste like bacon grease mixed with sparkling water make sure you add your daily dose of sugar to make it all fine I donā€™t know about this one Chief so this same company has a bunch of other weird flavors oh they have Ranch soda grass soda pickle oh but no M thatā€™s a hard pass for me oh but it gets worse hug andaz not only makes healthy ice cream they got vegetable ice cream veggie ice cream what is this Abomination tomato ice cream oh I just imagine this to tastes like Frozen baby food that looks gross I mean at least mix it in with some fruit wait is there fruit oh yeah thereā€™s an orange I donā€™t know about the Tomato though carrot and orange ice cream sorbet that probably is pretty good avocado ice cream Iā€™ve seen this before personally I donā€™t like avocado as a dessert itā€™s just it donā€™t make sense to me I like it with toast I like it with salt and pepper but sweet and Frozen n but also when I went to the Asian market not only did they have avoc ice cream but they had cheese ice cream this is a huge thing Iā€™m not talking about cheesecake ice cream right cuz thatā€™s delicious is this I donā€™t know you know maybe I would like it oh but it has real cheese bits in the ice cream I ainā€™t about that smash like if you guys want to see me try these weird flavors of ice cream cuz that sounds pretty fun I donā€™t want to diss these flavors existence before I even try them Pizza flavored ice cream okay I went to this pizza place once and they had mashed potato and gravy flavored ice cream and I was too scared to try it people will make anything into ice cream where the shrimp flavored ice cream at oh in Canada they have a pizza and spaghetti slushie self- served so is this sweet is it salty is it crusty is it musty what does spaghetti slushy even taste like you feeling real adventurers today you can mix them up have a pizza GTI slushie disgusting Cheetos got a burger flavor what is this even the legit Cheetos I mean the logo look legit is that Chester he ainā€™t going for the cheese he going for the bun Iā€™m not going to lie this looks bomb why donā€™t they have this in America I feel like this would be a big hit make it spicy oh also an avocado flavored Cheetos they do sound healthy though for the vegan in your life I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had something avocado flavored this got me thinking someone on Tik Tok said avocado tastes like clean and every time I think of avocado I think about that what Mountain Dew has chips are these chips or noodles Mountain de Cheetos they did a collab what was this what do they taste like are they salty are they sweet are they both can they do the de inside your mouth aro okay I know Kit Kat has a lot of different flavors they want to like really appeal to everybodyā€™s taste bud but corn flavored Kit Kat I mean if it tastes like popcorn thatā€™s fine but like that look like charred barbecue corn and I ainā€™t trying to have that on my candy itā€™s even yellow like popcorn thatā€™s very unusual but not as unusual has this pancake soda so do it taste like the pancake or the syrup or the butter or perhaps the whole entire bite with a little bit of everything you know I just prefer to eat some instead of drink something that tastes like it also I feel like this is carbonated so just like imagine drinking a bubbly pancake Pringles too they got so many exotic flavors in other countries here we sour cream and onion and then they got soft shell crab seaweed flavor grilled shrimp and itā€™s pink the chips are pink what I thought they only come in one color apparently not they all even got chicken flavored Ramen Pringles oh theyā€™re only limited time but that sounds bomb itā€™s like they took the flavor packet from the ramen and they just sprinkled the chips with it that is genius Iā€™m surprised this wasnā€™t like super popular a pringle man you going to have to bring this one back so a lot of brands that you see every day they have different flavors that youā€™ve probably never seen before in other countries like CU they got a mint mojito Pepsi laaz chips they got a mint Mischief mint chips I mean they got all sorts of flavored chips but like I I donā€™t know about mint oh itā€™s like mint and lime and they spicy wait that sounds bomb mischievous indeed Pepsi cappuccino flavor what wait so is it a coffee or is it a soda cuz you canā€™t have both together soda coffee is that a thing no as a coffee coniss seur Iā€™ve never heard of it that does sound pretty good though they have so many weird flavors of Oreos that I did not know about they got a green tea ice cream flavored Oreo Swedish Fish flavored Oreos name a more ambitious crossover so itā€™s like Oreo cream but Swedish Fish flavor but they ainā€™t got much flavor to begin with thatā€™s why this is so confusing to me but thatā€™s not all they have Watermelon Oreos too and theyā€™re green and red wo where do you even get get this from they donā€™t even contain watermelon what are they even made of Christmas colors and lies so in China thereā€™s this really fancy dish called the hundred-year-old egg itā€™s an egg thatā€™s been aged for a hundred years star that does not look edible so these are made by preserving chicken or duck egg for 100 years or a couple of weeks tell them itā€™s been aged 100 years theyā€™ll never know the difference that does not look appetizing at all it looks stinky but apparently itā€™s a delicacy Iā€™m so confused right now I thought these were corn kernels for a sec theyā€™re Tic Tacs but theyā€™re yellow and they have Homer Simpsons face on them and their dut flavor but do they got jelly on the inside is the real question are they the ones that you chew and then it turns to gum oh my God these are so confusing need to try this and now we got popcorn flavored Tic Tac pipoca is popcorn I thought you were supposed top pop a Tic Tac to make your breath fresh not buttery and DK itā€™s going to make it smell worse can you pop them like popcorn so in Asia shrimp flavored things are like super popular they got funion theyā€™re still onion flavored rings but add shrimp so shrimpy onion flavored okay that doesnā€™t sound that bad I like how they make all the shrimp flavored stuff pink more appetizing that we talking shakuri flavored Doritos what this donā€™t even look like Doritos whereā€™s your big old logo this look like dog food you know how dog food puts all the meat that they use on the front and then itā€™s got like the two colors Iā€™m so confused I donā€™t like this bologan flavored lays oh my God it Rhymes itā€™s perfect bologan like the pasta like tomato and meat bologan lays I feel like thatā€™s the only reason they made this happen the words just flow this one restaurant has an avocado burger bun and the bun is green itā€™s like a Nasty Patty in real life those buns do be looking thick though in Japan they have white Pepsi only the purest of Pepsi before they put the dang food coloring in it wait is this yogurt flavored yogurt flavored Pepsi wo I did not know such a drink exists I canā€™t even imagine what this tastes like TV static yogurt in liquid form I donā€™t know oh in Starbucks in Japan they have a coffee jelly Frappuccino coffee jelly is exactly what it sounds like so itā€™s kind of like Boba but itā€™s pieces of coffee flavored jelly in the Frappuccino and itā€™s actually really good okay but why donā€™t they have it here I thought this was photoshopped at first but they got cotton candy cheese balls I thought those only came in cheese flavors so theyā€™re sweet and crunchy wo theyā€™re not cheese flavor cotton candy flavor what is this witchcraft they do be looking good though I love the cotton candy flavor stuff wait they got cucumber flavored Sprite lemon lime cucumber that sound fancy itā€™s like when you go to a fancy hotel and they got that water in the lobby with the cucumbers and the lemon this is a soda for me wait this makes no sense at all a grapple it crunches like an apple it looks like an apple but it tastes like a grape but why is this monkey snowboarding wait so itā€™s made of apple and natural and artificial gray flavor so they just like injected the apple with some artificial grape flavor is that how it works you know they say apple a day keeps the doctor away I just didnā€™t like the taste of apples we made a grapple what this product is just as confusing as this monkey snowboarding on the packaging I donā€™t know if this would be good or gross all of these candy bars have a milkshake version you can get a Snicker Shake Twix Skittles thatā€™s why sounds kind of weird a skittles milkshake I donā€™t know I like how they all just chilling by the actual yogurt smoothies here come the candy bars ruining our health aisle Hello friends itā€™s me and today we are here in shabuya just had dinner and we were walking and we came across one of these expensive fruit stores and Iā€™ve seen this on BuzzFeed where they have like insanely perfect fruit for like ridiculously expensive prices the better looking the fruit the juicier the grape the more expensive the fruit so over here we have all the grapes I want to know what these things are over here for about $32 you can get a big branch of grapes and some it looks like dipping sauce I donā€™t know Jam maybe everyoneā€™s saying really expensive as they walk by okay so these ones look the biggest and the juiciest I might get one of these gift bags and over here we have the cutest little apples oh my God the bananas look at the bananas itā€™s like they have to fit a certain criteria to be in this basket oh the ice cream thereā€™s grape ice oh my God mango grape purple grape Chestnut and milk and strawberry milk thatā€™s for you so these are fruit jelly wow they look so fancy oh this is what we came here for you can get melon and grapes for like $65 look how perfect these melons are I just want to do a smack test and then over here we have it looks like just a thing of fruit those are the most expensive baskets oh oh my God look at that pair have you seen a pair so thick and juicy this one should be on sale it shouldnā€™t be that much look what is that itā€™s Bree you disgrace yourself by giving this as a gift this is $250 this is an apple these grapes grew up in a loving home parents never fought they still together this pineapple they even cut his hair they said it was too wild okay now letā€™s buy some okay so we just spent about $150 worth of fruit I canā€™t wait to go home and try all of it how about them juicy melons look at this place though we just stumbled upon this really fancy expensive dessert place after buying all this expensive fruit this place is very fancy this is the fanciest dessert cafe Iā€™ve ever seen so my hair just stays like super frizzy here so I just I gave up thereā€™s nothing I can do about it anymore so Iā€™m just going to have frizzy hair the whole time Iā€™m here oh my God theyā€™re so fancy wow wow wow look at this the heart I just bite it itā€™s ruined oh I love it I ruined it because I love it quiet on set fruit review so this is the morning after we went to the fancy fruit store because it was too late to record because there was literally no like light in here so today Iā€™m here bringing you this ginormous Apple like head comparison my head wins but weā€™re going to open it up you know I probably seen apples this big this ainā€™t nothing special Iā€™ve never seen Apple that where where are you going to see apples that big I feel like Fair like Walmart sometimes has apples with B well Walmartā€™s apples are probably loaded with stuff thatā€™s huge thatā€™s a money maker did you realize as soon as you unwrapped it you can smell how good it was oh yeah wow I have forever stuffy knows but like that does smell delicious like it smells crisp doesnā€™t that smell crisp she or he a thick boy did you just miss gender Apple since itā€™s your Apple I want donā€™t you to take one good bite out of it just to hear the crunch before you cut it no I donā€™t like doing that but I feel like itā€™s going to give a satisfying crunch okay when are you ever going to get to buy the Apple this big again when I come back to Japan and buy an Apple this big and not even that Big M is it good that one juicy Apple there we go look at that look at one slice of apple itā€™s huge all right bone Apple teeth oh Iā€™ll take this one theyā€™re pretty juicy mhm itā€™s very big and juicy like your butt what do you we this apple pretty good thatā€™s pretty good I donā€™t even really like apples that much why is it so big they treat it with love and care grew up in a loving home I give this8 out of 10 I feel like itā€™s not as juicy as I thought it would be I think itā€™s juicy 8 out of 10 sounds fair uh-huh one piece of this is like the size of a normal Apple itā€™s kind of crazy yeah if you cut up a whole Apple itā€™s like one slic you know what they say an apple day keeps demonetization away next up we have a box with high quality fruit in it so when you buy the fruit they package them really nicely and then give it to you because youā€™re supposed to give these as a gift M and here we have the biggest juiciest grapes I have ever seen we just going to take this bad boy out do you know how people in Japan eat grapes how they peel it and then eat it oh yeah man I paid for the skin Iā€™m going to eat it normally you would buy all this fruit as a gift but we gifting it to ourselves yeah I like how they put a tissue on it like to protect it woo that is one thick juicy set of boys why is this so heavy Iā€™m like trying to hold this for a thumbnail and itā€™s so heavy theyā€™re full of juice itā€™s like carrying a gallon of milk how are we going to eat this you peeling it I say one of us peels the other one just go for two them came off look at these these are like four or five times the size of regular grapes Iā€™ve never peeled a grape before are you going to peel it yeah Iā€™m peeling it Iā€™m just going to go for it itā€™s not very satisfying to peel it are you ready for this we going to be here all day all right here we go ew you just give it the vacuum suck mhm do you eat the skin off when you peel it I I just I heard they just they peel it off but do they throw it away I donā€™t know okay I got a knif layer peeled looking like a dinosaur egg got to come out of Extinction you like it itā€™s good right yeah thatā€™s a good grape tastes a little weird like it has something weird about it thereā€™s a weird aftertaste huh yeah but it kind of tastes like a chemical but I a chemical with it what is it they spray it with something to get them that big it ainā€™t just love what are your secrets Japan so apparently thereā€™s a ton of stores that sell like grapes Iā€™m bigger than this some smaller at varying price points the one from BuzzFeed I believe it was almost $2,000 I we ainā€™t got that kind of budget okay I wasnā€™t trying to pay $2,000 for a hand of grapes okay we ainā€™t BuzzFeed thatā€™s like $57 a grape mhm we ainā€™t balling like that yet we got it little brother like 10 bucks of grape yeah this was like 10 bucks a grape which is still a lot thatā€™s a lot I donā€™t think thatā€™s worth it like who pays that much for fruit when you can go down to a freaking grocery store and the regular grocery stores have like mighty fine fruit here itā€™s not like America where even the Whole Foods is pretty DK I would just skip the store and go straight to the vineyard and steal them yeah yeah I donā€™t think the vineyard got ones is Juicy okay what do you rate these out of 10 out of the grapes that Iā€™ve eaten before yeah I would give it seven it would be higher but that chemical aftertaste yeah kind of messed it up I would probably give these a eight okay next up I kind of cheaped out and I got the other types of grapes but not on the full Vine they just sell them in little packs with four grapes in each pack so I wanted to try the darker grapes I donā€™t know what theyā€™re called do you know what these are called Iā€™ve never had dark grapes are they concrete grapes concord grapes the green ones are okay I used to like them with cheese but my favorite are the the red ones and they have to be really hard I donā€™t like grapes when theyā€™re like soft do you like them soft no that do means theyā€™re bad doesnā€™t it I donā€™t know so I find it kind of unsettling how it has like the little stem the little Tee of the grape you have to rip his hat off yeah take you have to take its hat off before you eat it so goodbye hat youā€™ll be no more M what these are one these are one of my favorite this do even taste like them what does it tastes like to you it tastes like so much better than the red ones itā€™s like no regular green grapes you tast like a whole other fruit I want another one these are delicious this is like green grapes like older brother K these are amazing theyā€™s the best grape Iā€™ve ever had yeah it tastes like a whole entire Juicy Fruit no those are good how can you describe the taste gr have one and tell me how you can describe the taste did I eat the tea no M it does taste like another fruit but I canā€™t think of what it is yeah same like it doesnā€™t taste like the regular green grapes because theyā€™re better than the regular green grapes theyā€™re so much better everything here is better why are we going home I donā€™t want to go home me neither I really want to stay here these look like figs kind of like a little fig the only fig I know is Newton oh no have one okay I try okay now we try the Concord this is what the inside looks like that look like a vegetable that does not taste good I donā€™t like it it has some like grassy taste I feel like I can taste the purple in it I feel like I tast green in it do you really I taste the purple I thought it was weird that I tasted purple I donā€™t know T the color so these are cheap grapes from the grocery store these are pretty big but like look what you get here itā€™s like a blueberry versus a fig I donā€™t like these ones how those ones taste so thatā€™s enough gr get your cheap grapes out of here these are so good youā€™re wrong no youā€™re trash get them out these are not good you Tes your grapes very seriously so good this got some kind of chemical taste in it like the red one yeah maybe you donā€™t like grapes purple drink have you I donā€™t like purple grapes I like these kind of grapes how much do you rate the purple grapes that are all gone now uh thatā€™s going to be my lowest out of five two out of 10 purple grape sock I give them the bronze medal still on the podium I think green is my favorite the green was delicious the green 10 out of 10 man that was ooh that makes this whole haul worth it like me experiencing these green grapes I donā€™t want even call these grapes I feel like grapes is an insult to how good those are okay we have a cookie and a coffee break I want a cookie M delicious finally some good hecking coffee this is where you can talk about your day oh weā€™re having a tea break we just woke up woke up heard some cats crying my palette has been fun they are good theyā€™re butter cookies mhm and I got milk to go with it m can I milk in my coffee mhm oh delicious here is the most beautiful luscious Malone I have ever seen and I love me some melon the designs on it are so perfect why does it look so perfect this Malon so perfect it never thrown into a box itā€™s got a nice hat on too you got to spank it for good luck ooh thick boy ooh itā€™s heavy too do you want to hold the baby before we eat it has antennas oh no itā€™s so I know I got the ones with the nicest antennas a itā€™s yellow they have yellow melons here are melons not supposed to be yellow theyā€™re supposed to be orange have you never had a melon before uh oh yeah yeah I thought you like melon how is it try it what you mean how is it took the piece I was going to grab thatā€™s a really good melon but it doesnā€™t taste like a melon itā€™s the juiciest itā€™s very juicy that was really good thatā€™s probably the best melon I ever had probably too juicy is there such a thing as too juicy if there was such a thing it would be this now you got to scoop it up and drink the juice no I donā€™t know how I feel about this one I really like the taste of regular melon and this just seems different it seems sweeter doesnā€™t it I know itā€™s juicier for sure is it weird if I say like this is like sweeter but I feel like our melons have like more sugar in it somehow yeah this is kind of like a honeydew cuz this is like in America this is supposed to be orange itā€™s like itā€™s a can itā€™s not a honeydew it kind of tastes like a a honeydew melon right itā€™s good I donā€™t know how I feel about it itā€™s good isnā€™t that what you were expecting I I no itā€™s not what I was expecting at all I thought it was going to ruin regular melons for me but I feel like itā€™s just a different kind of melon I still like the other kinds of melon yeah I feel like itā€™s really good and juicy but I still prefer the other melon mhm I like it the other melon cuz theyā€™re more what is it starchy or textured theyā€™re harder this is softer but I like the crunch of a melon yeah this doesnā€™t have that crunch itā€™s too itā€™s too juicy itā€™s too juicy see there is such a thing as too juicy would you like some melon post melon melon Hello friends itā€™s me and today I am here with me dig next and today weā€™re going to be watching some more weird mukbangs wao we got a big strawberry and itā€™s little children no she ate the child right in front of its mom how could you oh got all the juice out who knew strawberries were filled with strawberry filling if only yo it still got the seeds in it that watermelon still got the SE it got the black seeds in it giv you the you going to be pregnant in a few months and it ainā€™t a baby there is no what if I am pregnant and itā€™s a [Music] watermelon you trying to fly away how I fly away from my problems his summoning ritual itā€™s just water weight itā€™s just water we itā€™s just water weight I like to do exercises here we go the only exercise I Do Is Lifting this burger in my mouth lifting my hand to my mouth I love cheese I love gooey cheese Mozzarella and cheddar Ragu is that all of it combined can we stop hey yo the cheese the cheese is going in the sauces itā€™s in the sauces oh it is I messy I donā€™t like it honey mustard ruin how does he see what heā€™s dipping it into I think itā€™s a surprise each time honestly so is his life expectancy oh he allowed somebody to sit with him at the mukbang table well thereā€™s like one chicken tendy left you can have that one you can have the scraps invites him when heā€™s almost done he go he sleeps like this thatā€™s it donā€™t more oh did you just steal it from him he just he committed the robbery buto this is my video this my mukbang n itā€™s like watching two animals fight over food what zoo I got to go to to watch this Discovery Channel in 2020 be like two mukbangers fighting over the last chicken sandwich itā€™s your fault itā€™s your fault my D cooking on the [Applause] spot what a food ever do to you it made me to this whoā€™s going to clean this up does he invite his mother over he finally showed what the mess looks like let me show you how I normally live he really is going to clean it up is he going to clean it I want to put a tarp underneath me so that way I can just like put it in the tarp you know thatā€™s that 200 IQ right there you going make that other dude who stole his chicken sandwich clean it donā€™t worry you can eat whateverā€™s on the floor itā€™s free game have fun with your dinner can I do it if I lean down itā€™s totally going to be messed up did he break it thereā€™s like 280 and then thereā€™s zero close to each other so close to being skinny she eating live wasp larvae that must be so satisfying to just like pick them up out of their house and just like oh my God oh crunchy get the one thatā€™s moving more delicious when you can Taste Their Fear when you play the attack on Titan [Music] music sheā€™s so calm you really making an ASMR out of this good for you just eating these larva like a champ okay I saw this the F and blue potato but itā€™s not a potato itā€™s not what it then what is it it look like a potato why is it dripping I donā€™t know itā€™s like wet but itā€™s crunchy this is dissolving in her hand whatā€™s going on why is it crying she didnā€™t even show what it was what even is it it looked like a zucchini chocolate covered zucchini but itā€™s wet she done teased us okay you know what whatever that was she got up go to the international market educate yourself the only International place I go to is called [Laughter] ihob thatā€™s good no go to the cookie one thatā€™s not a cookie thatā€™s not a cookie no what is that how does that look like a cookie youā€™re going to tell me that doesnā€™t look like she took some cookie dough and rolled it up into a ball and like ready to bake it thatā€™s a cookie passion fruit pulse rolled into a ball okay listen I know a cookie dough when I see it clearly and thatā€™s cookie dough those are the little black things with the chocolate chips youā€™re going to tell me thatā€™s some passion for those are seeds no no theyā€™re not donā€™t lie to me why are you doing this to me right now thatā€™s cookie dough he thought he was a cookie connoisseur wao forbidden bouncy balls jelly it gets me every time ooh more more another one yes itā€™s too many we got the whole rainbow wo those are shiny before she takes a bite what do you think is on the inside pear it looked like itā€™s going to be a pear right like a candy coated pear or is it soft marshmallow perh itā€™s got to be cake what is that jelly itā€™s like cream filled absolutely nothing about this besides the shape is a fruit I never wanted to eat a pear so bad in my life so crunchy well never compared to the real crunch of a pear how children wish they could eat donā€™t be shy think a right eat a Jello ball that was satisfying all right is this how the Titans felt when they ate Aaronā€™s mother oh you know Iā€™m surprised no Titans put people on kebabs and stuff and you know just B them off at a time delicious not enough brain cells for such creativity I I wanted to bite the brick okay okay okay Iā€™ve had something like this before and I can tell you this is my favorite texture of any food imaginable itā€™s like wo itā€™s like a little hard coat on the outside but theyā€™re like kind of soft on the inside do you guys know what Iā€™m talking about I want one of those I donā€™t where do you get these from they look like soap thatā€™s nice good texture 10 out of 10 I would eat this right before I have to go to the dentist do your job and clean it take them away so I can do it again I thought these were big cheese puffs but no wait watch itā€™s a hot Cheeto Glizzy with cheese the Korean corn dog The Forbidden long Cheeto puff but no this oneā€™s just straight up Gizzy no cheese just deep fried Cheeto hot dog deep fried Gizzy goodness she do be gzy Goblin wo itā€™s like the peach Emoji listen the these peaches about to F to make me act up better to risk it off of these I just want to smack it big eye tuna head Sashimi wo not the eye how will he see first you took his body away now youā€™re taking away his eye ooh I donā€™t like it I donā€™t like the color no no I know youā€™re supposed to eat it raw but I guess I donā€™t know not a big raw fish fan yeah I donā€™t know how people can eat fish like that do not like the texture I thought that was some rajotto I thought that was weird rice Roto oh you keep using these fancy words I donā€™t know what they are of all where do you even find ant eggs Iā€™ve never even seen egg theyā€™re very fatty and sweet tasting she eating it like a chicken lettuce wrap your favorite food I know one of the most satisfying things to take a bite out of donā€™t be shy eat the whole thingy itā€™s delicious but such a messy food I feel like I got to take a bath afterwards whatā€™s wrong with that egg oh so these are Century eggs these are eggs that have been aged itā€™s a real egg itā€™s pungent smells like ammonia I donā€™t think thatā€™s good basically I imagine this if blue cheese was an egg it would look and taste like this and thatā€™s exactly what it is like a bad egg back at it again our favorite train wreck Nado avocado this is a crab I know it sounds like this is all pure butter by the way here we go pure butter why is it red butter be good but be good here we go I might funny I me the funny cheers I laugh at this funny that looks like itā€™s really good your friend watching across the dinner table really k i SN sniper I havenā€™t eaten in 3 days but it looks really good can you drop he donā€™t even acknowledge him he doesnā€™t even exist oh heā€™s giving bite oh no heā€™s just showing the camera my God his cameraman gets to lick the table after heā€™s done is that your favorite part of the lobster now just not her itā€™s so mean talk to him at least edit his voice out waa that good I just want to take my hand we love cheese Che my pizza donā€™t even do that what kind of cheese are you using swear if another one of yā€™all pops this whole thing going in the trash saltin crackers no 5c roll or what wao okay I had to do that one hand to flex on you guys Iā€™ve never flipped anything on a pan before Hello friends itā€™s me today weā€™re going to be trying out some Tik Tok food hacks to see if they actually work this guyā€™s going to teach me how to make a prison Pizza you need a slim gem tomato sauce one pack of ramen noodle one sleeve of wrist crackers two sleeves of saltine crackers one block of cheese thing of pepperoni a bag all this has to be crushed down to a fine dust and put in the bag boom crushing that Ramen add water until you get a dough consistency I like to let mine swell up just a little bit you know Iā€™m talk about how R crackers and water turn into a whole roll of pillsberry dough spread out dough on a chip bag on some kind of platform add tomato sauce add cheese add slim Gams add that pepperoni place in the microwave for 5 minutes microwave we microwaving a pizza mhm yes baby look at that pizza someone go tell him heā€™s not in jail anymore because of this whole lockdown I donā€™t have a lot of the ingredients and I havenā€™t really been leaving my house until I literally run out of food to go get some more so weā€™re going to use what we have we have to make it gluten-free cuz I want to eat this oh God I already crushed them before I can show it to you saltine crackers weā€™re just going to crush this bad boy up weā€™re going to make a mini pizza I trying to make a whole family of six meal so we got the saltines and weā€™re going to put some regular crackers in I donā€™t have any Ramen and ramen is not gluten- free anyway so I canā€™t eat it Mash all this up make sure itā€™s grinded real good Iā€™m actually really excited to try this there we go now weā€™re going to put some water in this hopefully it turns into dough mush it all up please be dough oh itā€™s like seeping out we made a whole in there yā€™all hear that thatā€™s what a good dough sound like okay you know what good enough for me Iā€™m just going to lay this dough out on the plate oh my God itā€™s actually working look at that thatā€™s a nice piece of meat oh tomato sauce and another rare fine these days pop that on okay so weā€™re going to put cheese on top and weā€™re going to use a beef stick itā€™s like an organic slim gy no 5sec roll then weā€™re going to cut this bad boy she kind of hard to cut into mini pepperonis are we supposed to peel this look do you peel this or do you eat it Brian trying to eat it with a wrapper this look looking like some culinary genius right here high hopes for this bad boy now we pop it in the oven no no no no no no we pop it in the microwave 5 minutes Iā€™mma to put it in for four because mine is pretty small she looking cute in there a few moments later o all right so this sheā€™s going crazy itā€™s sizzling itā€™s not thejo itā€™s prison oh that that actually looks delicious that dough look chewy I love me a good chewy dough thatā€™s literally SLS this is so bomb I canā€™t believe this tastes this good you have to try it this tastes better than pizza I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying that this is so good thatā€™s really good Iā€™m about to sit here eat this whole dang thing I canā€™t believe it cooked the beef sticks so it actually tastes like legit yā€™all prison folk genius so the original recipe youā€™re supposed to put Ramen in it I didnā€™t put Ramen in it and it tastes delicious how saltine crackers do that the building blocks of society this is got to be my favorite thing Iā€™ve made on any food hack this is delicious 10 out of 10 I commend you ex prisoner this has been huge all over Tik Tok itā€™s called Delona coffee basically you take equal parts instant coffee sugar and hot water pour it together and then you can either whisk or blend it oh no thatā€™s the first time I tried to make it got so messy and then you get like this thick peanut butter like cream from just blending it I would do that so itā€™s 3:00 in the morning obviously the best time to make some coffee so Iā€™m going to take a big fat tablespoon of instant coffee and then a big fat tablespoon of sugar put that bad boy in there and then some hot water I bought a mixer just so I can make fluffy coffee I hope I can get this mixer in will she fit oh no no just barely itā€™s not long enough look all I wanted to do was make the fluffy coffee in my favorite glass cup and it didnā€™t work all right I have an inferior cup that we can also make it in instant coffee instant sugar just kidding instant diabetes and then water make sure itā€™s warm it will not work with cold water so weā€™re going to blend this bad boy up so weā€™re going to be here a while doing this you can blend it by hands you can use like a little cappuccino fro or a mixer color is becoming lighter but we want that peanut butter look oh she getting a little thick better be too thick for her own good ooh I believe itā€™s done and then itā€™s going to look like this m delicious letā€™s prepare our glass weā€™re going to pour our oat milk or you can use any milk that you want I prefer nut milk and weā€™re going to take this and just scoop it over the top and that is our thick coffee foam and I didnā€™t make that much I made like half of what youā€™re supposed to make obviously you can make more make it extra thick but Iā€™m trying to go to sleep tonight take your metal straw clink it a few times M this is so good itā€™s really good like I canā€™t explain to you guys how delicious this is Starbucks could never you know I probably shouldnā€™t be drinking this this late but itā€™s just so good no I didnā€™t get to get like an aesthetic shot this looks really good so you take scrambled eggs start cooking them put a tortilla on top flip that bad boy put some ham cheese roll it up and you basically get a breakfast burrito SL quesadilla without the burrito rolling skills that a Chipotle employ has all right weā€™re going to spray our pan weā€™re going to do this the easiest way possible usually I would like crack a egg mix it in a cup or whatever wao okay I had to do that one handed Flex on you guys I donā€™t care Iā€™m going to do it this way oh unfortunately I only have the inferior size tortilla this size so Iā€™m going to let it cook for a hot second and then Iā€™m going to plop it in it do be looking like the sunun though when it look like it cook a little bit weā€™re going to just plop that tortilla on it SMH it in real good make sure it stick watch me pop this flip itā€™s not going to happen this is the hardest part shazo okay she ainā€™t pretty but it works put it on low heat so I can take my time with this bad boy weā€™re going to put some cheese cheese I forget the order of how you do things around here wo too much cheese just kidding you can never have enough cheese some turkey how cop paaths get turkey out of the thing anywho without any further Ado got my turkey slices salt and pepper this bad boy Make It Rain flavor Edition okay so this is going to be a little difficult because itā€™s a smaller tortilla and it doesnā€™t really want to fold and this is also part of the reason why I have long nails so I can really get in the pan all right she do be cooking though oh this is the best part Iā€™m going just eat that now that melted cheese crust oh too hot whole video is just too hot itā€™s like a cheese Cris okay so I want this to seal so Iā€™m going to cook it on the bottom like that first and then Iā€™m going to flip it over in a sec because I like my tortillas extra crispy okay here we go oh no it need a little more it need a little more make sure you hit it for good luck thank faster want to see what mommyā€™s making want to see what mommyā€™s making whatā€™s mommy making whatā€™s mommy making is that for you did I make a whole entire thing for you of course [Music] not okay yā€™all ready for this oh I actually did it did you see that I flipped it itā€™s a little messy but itā€™s going to be good okay I promise you this canā€™t not be good it might fall apart but itā€™s going to be good okay weā€™re going to flip this batter Bo so you donā€™t see that and then something I never do because I just like to eat it straight up they cut it like in pieces so you get a good shot of that interior okay okay okay oh no it doesnā€™t matter just roll it up and eat it okay it look ugly but itā€™s going to be good yā€™all ready for this taste test M I mean how could this not be good itā€™s like a egg turkey burrito so good breakfast food M they put Skittles in a bag of oil sautĆ© some pop corn in there and then the video just ends I never got to see what the finished product looks like do you get rainbow popcorn is it Skittles flavored is it just really greasy I need to know whatā€™s for dinner donā€™t worry Iā€™m a really good cook weā€™re going to take Skittles pop them in a pan I never thought Iā€™d be cooking one of these and then weā€™re going to take some oil marinate these in it wo do you see like this Mosaic of colors that these Skittles have created that looks really cool and weā€™re going to put our corn carel give that bad boy a little sautĆ© this is a mess when you done run out of quarantine food this all we had left Iā€™m lowkey scared this going to pop I mean obviously itā€™s going to pop but it might pop up into my nostril is that a Sizzle light here look the green ones the first to go then the purples the yellow seem to be the most powerful they havenā€™t foamed yet as soon as I weā€™ve been waiting here like idiots cover off waiting for something to pop oh god oh boy oh no okay so you got to cover it and then itā€™ll start popping I apologize for my filthy cover hey now itā€™s really popping was popping at 3:00 a.m. one popped right into a Skittle okay here we go making some progress Skittle remains just splattered all over this bro this a battlefield okay itā€™s itā€™s getting crowded in there Iā€™m going Iā€™m going to turn off the heat youā€™re done youā€™re done cooking thereā€™s no more room to pop did yā€™all not hear me itā€™s going to pop the top right off can popcorn do that pop top drop top can this popcorn stop the pop okay okay okay okay okay okay okay thatā€™s enough sir sir when Escape it donā€™t even taste like Skittles I swear if another one of yā€™all pops this whole thing going in the trash that was a Skittle one you get like this nice Skittle coating oh that did not taste very good and some of the like popcorn just like popped into pieces of Skittles mostly the coating and I guess the sugar from the popcorn just like coated the rest of them you know what this is not that good I am not a fan you want to try it no why not try you have to you have to try one ew itā€™s not good no itā€™s not ew thatā€™s more of a not good bad I thought we were about to get like rainbow corn or something I feel like this made the popcorn worse the idea was cool unless you absolutely live for Skittles oh itā€™s actually pretty good with salt salt the game changer now it just tastes like a salty Skittle actually oh itā€™s too salty it tastes like a fruit Lo flavored popcorn which is not good would you like a kernel wrong answer yā€™all ever wake up in the morning I want to have Hot Cheetos for breakfast well apparently this is the way to do it just take some shredded cheese just melt it in the pot straight up put some hot Cheetos crack some eggs into it oh you know okay okay that actually looked pretty good not a big fan of Hot Cheetos but that actually looks pretty good Iā€™ve made something similar to that where I take some Parmesan cheese crack some eggs on it and then you fold it and you get like a little cheesy egg Taco good all shredded cheese pop some in the pan this is why we use utensils okay Iā€™m going to put it down on low heat so it doesnā€™t melt as fast going to make a little pseudo Taco with it I canā€™t believe weā€™re going to be cooking with hot Cheetos but all right all right let me see if I can crack this egg on you boom o oh no I must cover that is one filthy cover all right that cheese is struggling so weā€™re going to just fold it without this egg falling out no egg go back I put too many Cheetos itā€™s so hard like you would think they would cook and like mush up or something but nope they ainā€™t having it Iā€™m not letting the yolk Escape stuck in there see that now cook Iā€™m worried the cheese is going to like burn before the egg Cooks I like my egg really well done it ainā€™t pretty she starting to look like a taco why Taco Bell and got hot Cheeto tacos obviously thereā€™s quite the demand hello egg you cooked yet salmonella free oh she a mess on this side look at more like a hot Cheeto omelette how you like your Cheetos fresh your sauteed perhaps medium well okay you know what we done we finished itā€™s over get in the plate you know I feel like somebody had to have been at a very low point in their life to be like oh you know what we ainā€™t got any food today hot Cheetos it is throw it in the pan with some cheese and egg and youā€™ve got yourself a snack so itā€™s very like hard and crunchy Iā€™m kind of mad that this is pretty good oh thatā€™s spicy I had to take another bite just to make sure Iā€™m about to inhale this whole thing actually delicious if you like hot Cheetos this is Bomb even if you donā€™t like hot Cheetos I donā€™t really like hot Cheetos I sh it but this is really good Hello friends itā€™s me today Iā€™m hungry and weā€™re going to be trying some food hacks real Chick-fil-A hack you can get any drink frosted wo so they doing the hack for me oh they even mix it too so any soda you can even do it with the lemonade and theyā€™ll put soft serve in it and mix it up okay so I got asked for it frosted I would go to my Chick-fil-A and they be like what do you mean frosted but this is coming from an employee I will trust her okay Iā€™m pretty sure they gave me co*ke but what is this is this the Frosted drink they just gave me a Frosty and a cup are they frosting the drinks this looks like a regular coffee they want me to do the frosting at home and Iā€™m pretty sure they gave me a co*ke lemonade ainā€™t Brown unless it come from Bad lemons they gave me a co*ke itā€™s funny cuz I said I didnā€™t want the receipt and she was like no you should keep the receip in case we mess up this is foreshadowing it even says a small lemonade it says a frosted lemonade not a diet lemonade and then a coffee is that the Frosted lemonade it looks like itā€™s just ice cream okay here it is oh that is a frosted lemonade itā€™s pretty good I feel like there could be less Frosty more lemonade I thought it was going to be like a scoop of ice cream and a lemonade I didnā€™t know it was like a yeah same itā€™s literally a frosty Frost lemon flavored Frosty and now we got a nice coffee flavor is this a frosty see this oneā€™s watery this oneā€™s just a nice coffee coffee thereā€™s no Frosty in this I wanted ice coffee frosted Chick-fil-A has never messed up like this before thatā€™s good coffee though I ainā€™t mad so they making a Takis Hot Pocket nothing says depression food like this whereā€™s the meat M Takis my favorite source of protein okay seems simple enough right just cheese and Takis I bought a whole bag of Takis just for this hat cuz this actually looks pretty good nice and thatā€™s how you open a bag of Takis so we have our tortilla I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had a burrito with no meat I got my green tortillas cuz you know we healthy I think the Takis go first do we just pour them or do they have to be in a specific design and then the cheese and then weā€™re going to fold it like this like this and like this I think I over stuck and then we pop it in the pan let that bad boy cook why is the smell burning oh no I left it on too long DP it again bigger oh that was a good one okay again but with Ash weā€™re ready to eat this Iā€™m going to hide the ugly side it smells really good it smells like some moderately spicy food this is the bushen cup I bought here itā€™s still a little har so Iā€™m going to eat it with my oh this is canā€™t even like cut through it cuz itā€™s so crunchy trying to let you see what the inside looks like m d these Takis hard okay M thatā€™s pretty good I forgot how spicy takis are oh it got a nice crunch good flavor we got some cheese Iā€™m telling you it look pretty bomb you donā€™t even have to season it with anything thatā€™s all right yeah I feel like that I did not think chips and a burrito would taste so good eight out of 10 good snack biggest McDonaldā€™s hack want hot and fresh fries every time yes so if you order fries with no salt they have to make you a fresh batch every time you just got to remember to Salt your own fries definitely worth it letā€™s try it out the drive-thru goes all the way down the road we go on to another McDonaldā€™s you see theyā€™re making my fries fresh so theyā€™re making me park and wait okay but then they who did I what is that me or Iā€™ll see somebody behind this you triggered my anxiety weā€™re all waiting for no salt on our fries who knew it was that easy to get fresh fries okay they gave me the fries ooh they they toasty they hot they smoking hot thereā€™s no salt didnā€™t even give me a salt pack didnā€™t even give me a ketchup packet you said no salt oh she like her fries without salt poor girl has no taste Buzz donā€™t even waste the ketchup packet on her these are so good even without salt no but theyā€™re going to be even better youā€™re still eating them itā€™s my fat ption peing okay we go home and then salt them Iā€™ll use my organic ketchup I have at home and my honey mustard from Chick-fil-A 5 minute crafts click baited a skittles jelly I clicked on the video I was like this doesnā€™t actually exist so weā€™re going to try to make a skittles jelly I took my bag of Skittles we separated them by color I got my gelatine weā€™re going to mix hot water with that weā€™re going to do it the right way I have no idea how Iā€™m going to do this so weā€™re just going to go at it with the first idea I have and I havenā€™t really like fully planned this idea Iā€™m just going to take a container lid tape some parchment paper to it and Iā€™m going to do little [Music] sections okay this might work it might not you see I try to do these hacks by making the least dirty dishes possible now that we got that set Iā€™m going to take my boiling water pour it in the gelatin should probably mix it up a bit looking like doooo juice and then Iā€™m going to pour it over my Skittles hopefully I get some of the color out these are sour because digital ate my regular Skittles yesterday oh we get in that red water now let them marinate in there for a hot sa shake them up ooh they be looking pretty maybe I shouldnā€™t even bother with the grape ones is that enough I donā€™t know if thatā€™s enough ooh this actually looking good that oneā€™s ugly just like the purple ones try to pick it up without spilling half of it learn from my mistakes and weā€™re going to pop it in the fridge we lost oh no this is not a good idea this is a horrible idea no now itā€™s all dripping do I not have a flat surface in this fridge in the fridge you go nobody will know get out of the way and now we have white Skittles eggs this is what happens when you take all the color off theyā€™ve been stripped of their color privilege eventually so I guess there was a hole in the parchment paper or something but like they froze a tiny bit so I was going to take it out and then separate them and then put them back in but look look where the purple is it was like you donā€™t like me I donā€™t like you not work out hard you not fany like 5 minute craps baby donā€™t no 5 minute craps couldnā€™t even try this they click baited with it and they didnā€™t even attempt it so Iā€™m attempting a hack that I donā€™t know how to do if I put more effort into it I could probably figure it out but it is but one of the many hacks we are doing today and ainā€™t nobody got time for that okay Iā€™m rearranging my jelly there we go itā€™s almost rainbow okay we put it back in the fridge Refrigeration round two mommy hereā€™s my masterpiece this is my thumbnail at least itā€™s edible I need to do a taste test letā€™s taste it and see if it at least tastes good it kind of does taste like Skittles though it doesnā€™t taste bad itā€™s just like a very watered down Jello-O I think if I used regular Skittles and not the sour ones this would have actually been pretty delicious nothing but disappointment okay mukbang time yā€™all ready for the slurp where I always want to see mukbang and you know a lot of people got a sour candy problem me being one of them but canā€™t control themselves so a healthy alternative as well as supposed to be lime plus green grapes and itā€™s supposed to taste exactly like sour Pat kids I canā€™t say I believe this thereā€™s no way a grape and some lime can tastes exactly like sour Pat kid no Iā€™m going to prove that youā€™re all liars going to sacrifice some of my very perfect grapes for this hat these ones 10 out of 10 very hard just how I like them slice them in half do you know that if you put limes on grapes they taste like sour patch kids no way right no way people are lying I bet it just tastes like sour grapes I coated real good and these ones are really crunchy so it tastes exactly like a Sour Patch Kid how do I do that Iā€™m like mad about this thereā€™s no way that a fruit can taste like a candy like that Iā€™m kidding guys it tastes exactly what you think it would taste like lime covered grape itā€™s not bad it just doesnā€™t oh I got like a split second my taste bud just like just for like a second it kind of did it kind of did Iā€™m not even lying still tastes like grape but I grapes taste better than Sour Patch Kids so maybe Iā€™m just biased stop letting Tik Tok lie to you how to separate the yolks from the whites itā€™s not racist at all no so I know they have a bunch of fancy Contraptions to do this but this whole time you could just do it with a water bottle just slurp it up and eject what egg hack boom so I bought a fancy egg and yolk separator when this whole time you could just be doing this SL it SLI it for a second no itā€™s stuck okay the Y has been secured yeah oh no thatā€™s not a real yolk itā€™s a fake yolk now no my water bottle is ruined wow okay only works with thick yolks thatā€™s gross now weā€™re going to use this egg for the next ha popping in my mug wipe away any XX egg juice take some bread put it in a mug mix some egg tomato sauce parmesano sausage tomato and more cheese microwave for only 2 minutes and wham bam yes maā€™am you got a pizza mug man ma no hecking way Iā€™m not believing it for a second and not because it came from 5 minute crafts but that seems too good to be true but last time we did an Oreo mug cake and it came out so good that Iā€™m starting to believe in these mug recipes so letā€™s try weā€™re having white people pizza night have an egg from the grocery store shredded up bread from the grocery store shredding more bread from their groceries I canā€™t shred fast enough weā€™re going to mix our bread and egg mixture the last time I tried food hacks I made a prison Pizza in the microwave and it was so delicious so I have high hopes for this one I mean the only difference is one recipe came from an ex inmate and then this recipe came from 5 minute crafts now our tomato sauce bone Apple teeth Iā€™m going to put some oregano because you canā€™t have pizza with no oregano and like a lot of oregano spicy leaves come through so they use parmesan cheese for some reason but Iā€™m going to use parmesan and mozzarella you canā€™t have a pizza with no mozzarella P it all down make sure it stay down with some little pepperonis Iā€™m going to break them up and pop them in they did two layers of cheese so Iā€™m going to put another layer cover them pepperonis real good the stupidest mug I own and weā€™re going to pop it in the microwave for I donā€™t even remember until we hear a Sizzle Iā€™m going to do 3 minutes oh sheā€™s sizzling Mama me at this kitchen be smelling good it smells like a whole Italian Kitchen maybe I should let it cook a little more I like my pizza well well done a few moments later wo does it pass the blizzard test though one more time okay okay done I want to like take it out and see what it looks like oh it looks like itā€™s cooked look look look we got D ooh itā€™s like a pizza ball all right weā€™re going to take a bite of this hot hot hot m m thatā€™s good does it taste like a pizza kind kind of it tastes like a deep dish pizza like not even going to lie how bread and egg going do that you know why this is actually pretty delicious that dough good pepperonis cooked to Perfection I feel like I put it in too long the sides cooked a lot more than I would like the bread does not taste that good though maybe the egg the egg and the bread wasnā€™t like mixed good or some something going on there that I donā€™t enjoy but everything else itā€™s pretty Hello friends itā€™s me your favorite messy hair YouTuber back at it again to check out some very small things today thatā€™s a real fish that ainā€™t no mini fish itā€™s a baby yā€™all see that he just like flipped into the dang oil bye he canit fish aside now he getting fried alive I came across this Tik Tok of the greatest tiny collection I have ever seen all right you got to stay with me cuz Iā€™m going to move fast this is my mini game of finger twister you use your fingers hereā€™s a little spinner this is my mini set it has mini yoga blocks and a yoga mat and leggings so that you can do yoga poses this is my mini lava lamp it changes colors and itā€™s really sparkly this is my mini dark board obviously fun this is my mini you need to slow down because Iā€™m still trying to comprehend the little pants the little yoga set with the Lightnings on her fingers this is my mini game of operation this is my mini Hot Wheels wait mini Hot Wheels Hot Wheels are mini cars so youā€™re telling me a mini Hot Wheels is a mini mini car double so it cancels out so that means itā€™s big this is my mini cooking set I made a pie with it one time this is my mini viewfinder you click in and thereā€™s actually pictures inside this is my mini science set I made I made elephant toothpaste with it one time this is my mini Leaf lower someone said they use it to cool their soup and I thought that was really funny these are my mini Lincoln Logs you know what that beans Lincoln Logs whatā€™s the Lincoln Log oh I I donā€™t know why I was thinking it was another Brown log itā€™s not this the mini whoopy cushion any other questions um this is my mini harmonica oh yeah said I miss oh my tubean wacky inflatable flailing man mini she has quite the collection of mini thing most of them actually work too wello you can make a whole entire mini Village little face mask set but who will use it anybody got a rodent with a skin problem perhaps the rat thatā€™s living in the crevice of your wall come out itā€™s a spa day packing a normal luggage boring would never feature on my channel however packing a mini luggage we got the laptop the phone hey yo you canā€™t bring lithium batteries in your check bag the glasses too thatā€™s a big toothbrush did you see that why is the brush look like that bit like a pear and then one t-shirt packing light I guess and then it closes and locks yā€™all got roaches going on vacation or something wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how did they get grapes that small it literally looks like they shrunk them what about when a grape first starts growing do they start out very very teeny tiny and then the balls get bigger I donā€™t know they look real this ainā€™t no problem pathetic this is how to make a mini Funko Pop box it looks just like a regular box right so take a regular Funko Pop take the box scan each side of the Box until you can make another box out of paper this time I mean you want to get fancy you cut it on cardboard Oh I thought it was going to be a easy 1 two 3 we already on step six oh itā€™s not even a funko pop it was an eraser and they popped it in there oh you know what thatā€™s actually very creative ooh tacos that fit on your finger finger tip the tip of the taco or the taco of the tip even got the limes and the chilies would inhale 3 2 1 so small no bites necessary donā€™t even have to chew only swallow hereā€™s how you make a very fancy little cake a lot of molds oh thatā€™s how you change the color also they took I think itā€™s chopped I thought this was edible I thought this was going to be edible I thought I could actually eat it oh but the clay Cuts so nice good slice oh yā€™all see how they did that texture that look real like I cut it with a jack Edge pop some raspberries on that bad boy mix it up time to jellify and then when itā€™s done you got a whole entire wedding cake ceremony wow that looking real good itā€™s a lifelike crumbly texture for me yā€™all have seen a mini fridge right they usually hold like four cans in it but now we have a mini mini mini fridge had to make sure there was an odd number of minis so it doesnā€™t cancel out it holds one can of soda San pelino of all the things you could drink the inferior sparkling water I would have thought this was a needo idea until I saw the power cord like you really need to plug in to cool down one can at a time no I didnā€™t think so put a battery in it I have to like blink twice and squint to see that that is makeup when I say the smallest thatā€™s got to be the smallest look how big the finger is the thumbnail they took the top off of it you can actually paint your nail with it how long is it going to take to paint one nail look how big one nail is compared to the Little Brush way too small no you can you could paint your neighborhood PR mantisā€™s PWS they will be looking fabulous though this is real itā€™s a real vacuum that plugs into your laptop via USB and you can actually clean things with it clean all the little Cheeto crust crumbs all over your workspace excellent idea I need this so I used to think this was called cream caramel but itā€™s also a fla FL fla either way itā€™s a very delicious dessert so they took some milk filled up a PO H some sugar melted it in the milk mix that bad boy up with the worldā€™s tiniest spoon all right thatā€™s done we going to leave that I was going to say to dry but thatā€™s not right itā€™s literally boiled milk take some sugar probably some oil and then wait until it bubbles pour that milk whisk it up yā€™all even have a whisk the whole entire kitchen cover it and we going to pop it into the oven so powerful itā€™s lit by the flame of one candle and then wub bam pop that bad boy out onto the plate you guys yourself a mighty fine mini dessert donā€™t be shy come me a slice ooh very nice texture soft itā€™s not scooping scoop it oh that looks good so when you cooking tiny food of course you have to have some tiny plates and very tiny silverware and this is how big it is compared to a penny like bro who makes this we got robotic ants putting these together I bet an ant could literally pick those two up and eat like they civilize oh and after you eat donā€™t forget to check how much you wear on your teeny tiny little scale probably cannot even weigh more than one lb thatā€™s one scale I would break if I stepped on okay you got to trust in the process they are making the smallest house you have ever seen and look look look the wall how long is this going to take to cut up all these little pictures put all these posters up on the wall all the photographs even the closet made the coat hangers by hand like this is insane you almost really want your pet hamsters to have a good life while Iā€™m talking about teeny tiny hamster this is what Iā€™m talking about thatā€™s a little too small dangerously small it ainā€™t even a real hamster unless your name is hamaro I donā€™t care go eat your carrot or something this is what the smallest watercolor palette looks like and you can actually use it to paint a tiny little Picasso perhaps a Vango when youā€™re done you just like close it up like a mini suitcase I have never seen M&Mā€™s so tiny all of those combined wouldnā€™t even be one &m at this size I consider them sprinkles or perhaps very tiny chocolate chips how satisfying would it be to just like have them all stick to your tongue and just excellent D there is an army of Nutella and then we got the final booss Big Daddy Nutella jar right there protecting all the little newborn nellas look at them helpless waiting to be eaten I had no idea Tic Tac sells this big Tic Tac box but inside it are 60 mini teeny tiny Tic Tac boxes and they come in different flavors too why I got to go to find them small but cool oh itā€™s say small but cool but I love it YouTubers be like we do an iPhone giveaway but wait you open it and thereā€™s actually an iPhone in there a tiny one oh it has the charger and the headphones I canā€™t believe this this was very thought out like you can actually take it out unbox it itā€™s got the charger and the w wire wrapped up in there the Apple stickers now your hamster can feel fancy I love me at mini cooking whatā€™s on the menu today we got rice in a rice cooker that actually works oh and thatā€™s not it weā€™re cooking like while the rice is cooking we going to do some stir fry on the stove pulled out the walk for this oh would it actually cook the rice and we even got the Chopsticks time to sit alone and eat my dinner at the teeny tiny table we got another very small iPhone except this is the new is it 12 we on iPhone 12 now whatever this is well they even got mini versions of it and yes completely unboxable but can you turn it on though charge it and then Iā€™ll be impressed mini Starbucks drink open it up put the first layer down oh itā€™s actually clay and then nail polish oh they making the Unicorn Frappuccino oh and for the straw they used a paper clip pop that bad boy in and even the logo the Teeny tiniest Starbucks logo go shees too small cannot even drink here the smallest McDonaldā€™s fries made of real potatoes not small ones regular sized potatoes but they cut them up real small like Iā€™m talking about half a cimer small all this potato here does not even equal one fry I thought these were regular bags of chips and then I saw the quarter I can fit a burritos on George Washingtonā€™s head how are they so small and who is making these when you take a ring off your finger itā€™s already small I would already consider them mini but no they had to take it 10 more levels down itā€™s not small enough with the smallest engagement range two of them fit on like one section of your finger who are you trying to propose to the ant next door trying to put a ring on it because it would fit has anybody ever tried to put jewelry on an insect I must know no but theyā€™ve made insects into jewelry from what I see look wearing jewelry oh beetles somebody bedazzled a roach even gave it a leash like baby girl you mine now I canā€™t I canā€™t whatā€™s funny is whatever you can think of somebody has probably done it before does anybody still use calendars like like a physical calendar in real life cuz I feel like I havenā€™t seen one of those in years but here we got four of them I canā€™t even read what day it is also why you got different months open what month is it what day is it Iā€™m confused and want to go home oh wow a whole entire gingerbread house but small could eat in one bite how do you find candy that small you got got to custom make this candy would you think get all the colorful ones thatā€™s about the size of a peanut M&M Iā€™m actually quite impressed with this one Hello friends itā€™s me you walk into the store you ask for some Oreos what I never heard of no Oreos but we got some cream between basically the same thing you got the blue packaging and everything you know fun fact Oreos were not the original chocolate sandwich cookies was actually these hyrox Americaā€™s first cream f cookie Oreos were just the one that popped off cuz ainā€™t nobody want to eat a cookie called the hyro that sound like some car parts not something I want to dip in milk we got Kelloggā€™s Frosted Flakes and we got Crown Fieldā€™s Frosted Flakes theyā€™re acceptable oh these are very sad imagine your mom brought home this it ainā€™t even the tiger oh so many fakes of them thereā€™s a polar bear version thereā€™s a goofy looking Naked Bear version what animal is this is he a lion itā€™s literally whatever the animal Beast is from Beauty and the Beast thatā€™s that animal thatā€™s on the Frosted Flakes nailed it I grew up with a Game Boy but a child somewhere in the world grew up with a game child I bet if it was made in 2019 it wouldnā€™t be called a Game Boy it would be called a game child like imagine if they made a new console in 2019 and called The Gamer boy that would be an outrage we ainā€™t trying to offend anybody game child adults going to be like does that mean I canā€™t play it OMC mcdol ads OMC all my chicken and itā€™s like they purposely misspelled it you know just add another M that was a Triple M the Holy Trinity of restaurants or it could stand for all McDonaldā€™s had a farm and we ate all the animals on it this store has some Doos Chicken Wing chips they ainā€™t even nacho cheese flavor theyā€™re Chicken Wing chips and theyā€™re called DS or maybe itā€™s Doos or ditos Doritos DS theyā€™re like okay you know what good enough they canā€™t sue us cuz itā€™s not even cheese flavored itā€™s chicken wing flavored I ainā€™t never seen no chicken wing flavored chips honestly I feel like these look better than Doritos like look at this packaging and then look at the super cute simple packaging DS thereā€™s Mountain Dew and then thereā€™s Mountain View oh itā€™s like a Mountain View oh you know what in this mountain thereā€™s a stream that has green sugary carbonated water that they just fill the bottles at the source and called it Mountain View but you canā€™t do the de with this knockoff you can view the view but you canā€™t do the de and thatā€™s the whole point of Mountain Dew instead of Mountain Dews and Dorito you got Mountain View and Desto thatā€™s a world I donā€™t want to live in yā€™all familiar with I Canā€™t Believe Itā€™s Not Butter and the whole world was shook by that brand like oh my God Itā€™s Not Butter does that mean I can eat it by the Spoonful but other people wanted a copy it and weā€™re like unbelievable this is not butter then what is it lies is what it is and another one could it be butter I donā€™t know thatā€™s my question as the consumer not as the product why is the productā€™s name asking me a question yā€™all trying to conf fuzzle me butter itā€™s not man I Canā€™t Believe Itā€™s Not Butter everybody coming for that they had to put original on their packaging another one What Not Butter and the list keeps going went on and on I think it tastes like butter these are real packagings you think it tastes like butter but what is it whatā€™s going on on those Dutch Farms what you mean I think it tastes like butter thatā€™s like me buying some meat from the grocery store and it says I think it tastes like chicken okay but anyways itā€™s a 58% vegetable oil spread so thatā€™s what youā€™re doing on the Dutch Farm your family tradition is lying to people I think it tastes like butter but itā€™s really a vegetable oil spread Itā€™s Not Butter you know most butter is not real butter real butter is absolutely delicious I go to this breakfast place I win my waffles they give me like a thing of real butter and it is so delicious like I donā€™t care for butter and your girl will eat a whole dang tub of it with my waffles not not just straight up like no smash like if youā€™ve had the privilege of tasting real butter have a break have a cat CAU Oh what now cat CAU like kit cat but with an O people really out here with fake Kit Kats they didnā€™t even try all they did was change the a to an O theyā€™re like you know what we got ourselves branded thereā€™s Kit Kat Kit cot and kit C kicker what literally the same packaging this ainā€™t the Kit Kat I know and love kick who the chocolate or the person whoā€™s selling it to you thatā€™s some rude candy we got a bootleg KFC kfg Kentucky Fried GS Kentucky Fried goats Kentucky Fried Gung num style I donā€™t know what does the G stand for apparent apparently this is a thing you know all around the world people are crazy about KFC like they are wild when I went to Peru there was like a two three story KFC and it was like a beautiful modern building Iā€™m like what that KFC is fancier than the fanciest restaurant here like I was so confused but people people donā€™t mess around when it comes to KFC okay they even made a ofc made a restaurant with Obama as the colonel Obama fried chicken this is in China yā€™all canā€™t copyright us here okay but was it his original recipe or not yā€™all got a Dunkin Donuts here we got a Duff and dagel a what a Duff and dagel itā€™s like bagels with a d isnā€™t that what Donuts are dagel you know thatā€™s what they should be called who came up with donuts theyā€™re really a dagel a donut Bagel a bagel with a d that stands for the diabetes version America and the rest of the world we got Master Card here Master beef itā€™s a restaurant they just straight up nabbed a credit cardā€™s logo and put it in their beef shop again missed opportunity yā€™all could have called it Master meat or beef Card Master carne nope someone straight up just stole a McDonaldā€™s logo weā€™re like you know what this is my restaurant Iā€™m Mr Mahmood wait they sell pizzas they sell pizzas here thatā€™s illegal yeah my name just so happened to begin with a M just take the Logo put my name on it itā€™s my logo now McDonaldā€™s never heard of it y got any Nutella what we got nut Master what nut Master itā€™s a hazelnut and chocolate spread the Nutella ripoff you know of all the names you could have called it nut Master really thereā€™s good old IHOP restaurant where you can get your breakfast and waffles and whatever and then thereā€™s NH hop National House of Pancakes oh I see what you did that ooh hold up they got glutenfree options thatā€™s already better than IHOP heck you IHOP for not having glutenfree Iā€™ve never even been there before like yā€™all really couldnā€™t make a glutenfree pancake batter literally so easy three ingredients and yā€™all couldnā€™t Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m Iā€™m a little frustrated with IHOP okay but this one and Iā€™m not saying that just cuz the gluten-free but it looks like actual Homestyle food and like these places are the best IHOP is International House of Pancakes this is the national House of Pancakes Iā€™m like why did they choose n that makes no sense but it makes perfect sense International versus National plus their food looks better Iā€™m going say this is probably the only bootleg thatā€™s probably much better than the original donā€™t like it we can throw hands you know here you go to a store you want some stackable chips we got Pringles here they got prongles and it ainā€™t the chip face man itā€™s a pig this is a missed opportunity to call it pingles I feel like that would have been better what is prongles or maybe heā€™s a hog heā€™s pink though heā€™s a pig yā€™all done messed up this pingles wow somebody bought every single off of Dr Pepper I bet yā€™all donā€™t even have your PhD yā€™all ainā€™t even a real doctor doctor Choice doctor bold doctor perfect doctor Bob Dr Wow real doctor Dr Thunder Dr Wright Dr K Dr Shaw Dr A+ Dr Stripes Dr Skipper Dr chill the doctor Dr snap Dr perky Dr Shasta do Becker Dr spice Dr Fine soda Dr Zia refresh Dr Dynamite wow dang yā€™all really like Dr Pepper that much that there going to be this many knockoffs of it like every soda brand want to have a Dr Pepper itā€™s a lifestyle I see stars and Bucks Cafe yā€™all really couldnā€™t think of something else there are so many original coffee shops you had to Coffee Starbucks people go to other coffee shops because they donā€™t want to go to Starbucks why would you want to go to a local coffee shop called stars and Bucks Cafe itā€™s just trying to be Starbucks itā€™s trying so hard I bet your coffee dank too y everybody loves ripping off McDonaldā€™s we even got a McDonald they even pnged the images of the burgers and stuck them on the logo are those even your Burgers I donā€™t think some McDonald okay we got to think of a name for a new restaurant you know just take the McDonaldā€™s name you know get rid of some letters or something so itā€™s not the same same okay you know what we donā€™t need the C you you could probably get rid of the D too we got mad Donald it got a nice ring to it donā€™t it oh my God this poor dude dad thought he was getting a Puma hat didnā€™t have his glasses on to read the logo got a pimp hat instead itā€™s got the logo and everything is it Puma or is it Puma Iā€™ve heard some people say puma I think itā€™s Puma oh even toothpaste Crest toothpaste someone stole their logo in packaging and then traded out the E with a u and made it crust for your crusty musty Dusty teeth this is a real product I nobody want to brush their teeth or put anything in their mouth thatā€™s called crust I donā€™t trust crust I love how it says good quality toothpaste if thatā€™s good quality what is the original great quality in America thereā€™s Burger King in Iran thereā€™s Burger my diamond sir just stole the logo and everything instead of Burger King no not King in America only Kings eat Burger King here Madame and ser eat burgers itā€™s more available for the peasants also equality Burger King what about Burger Queen down with the patriarchy we want equal rights us Queens want a burger too so they made Burger Madame and Sir hey you trying to get a pizza okay yeah letā€™s go to Pizza H what Pizza H you mean Pizza Hut no we literally got a pizza huh like they confused itā€™s like the butter Pizza huh like is that really Pizza do I really want to eat pizza just needs a few question marks Pizza huh you know everybodyā€™s favorite Girl Scout cookie The Thin Mints or samoas I donā€™t know Iā€™ve never even had them before so I canā€™t tell you but these ones just so happen to be thick mints theyā€™re thin mints for the Girl Scouts and thick mints for the thick juicy men in your life I think I prefer myself a thick mint with two Cā€™s thank you ew sour friddles this is a pathetic attempt at Skittles friddles o sour fruity chewy candy oh thatā€™s why itā€™s friddles cuz itā€™s fruity itā€™s like Skittles if it were made with real fruit friddles another Oreo knockoff except this oneā€™s called black power Dallas black power what thatā€™s a very intimidating name for a cookie that gets real soft when you dip it in milk hey can I copy your homework yeah make sure you just change it up a bit so the teacher doesnā€™t notice Mash Donaldā€™s you know what I see a picture of a juicy burger Iā€™m going to be very very disappointed if they donā€™t have mashed potatoes Iā€™m literally suing going to McDonaldā€™s corporate offices and letting them know about your deceptive establishment this is a real good joke thereā€™s tricks and then thereā€™s pranks they put them right next to each other to you can hardly even tell the difference tricks and pranks same colored fruity balls you know tricks had to step up their game a bit put a penguinā€™s launcher inside so people wouldnā€™t fall for their pranks Hello friends itā€™s me and today we are checking out some teeny tiny things they made a mini bag of Takis you can even like crack it open wait there was actual food in there wait we making Takis from scratch ooh itā€™s like a paste I donā€™t know that that could be a hot Cheeto smush it up oh thatā€™s how they do it they like roll it up and then deep fry it I canā€™t believe how tiny these are you guys are actually like mini deep frying oh and donā€™t forget the seasoning yeah thatā€™s the best part season them bad boys up and then pop them into the bag oh that is a big crunch for such a little chip that is a lot of effort for the smallest bag of chips I have ever seen you know all of those Takis doesnā€™t even equal a single normal size Taki our compost grew a baby watermelon oh no itā€™s not ready donā€™t cut him yet oh W I thought it was going to be green on the inside but itā€™s actually like a a tiny mini watermelon but why does it have seeds why hasnā€™t natural selection just done away with watermelon seeds whoā€™s eating them do we just keep them around for aesthetic it blows my mind how some of these things are like actually functional this pot you could plug in itā€™s cooking the rice the lid about to bust off oh itā€™s actually a rice maker get some water on my little dispenser whereā€™s your mini functional sink oh you donā€™t have one how do you have a mini TV playing Peppa Pig the volume button the size of a grain of rice okay well they actually cooked rice in this tiny little pot well there you have it a thumbnail of rice got the Chopsticks you want a diet or something me and my five grains of rice watching Peppa Pig this is how it starts you print out the label of a mini Pringles can oh they use an authentic ingredients the actual life-size Pringles can to make the plastic lid oh they even got the mini Pringles inside fill it up and then put the lid on oh I like the detail even the little aluminum foil oh itā€™s perfect the perfect addition to my mini home some Pringles on the counter waiting to be eaten itā€™s like a dollhouse with actual rooms the little dry shampoo the mouthwash all the little Cosmetics mini Brands really popped off they are so small you literally have to use tweezers to put everything in place itā€™s like those super fancy restocking videos restock the guest room with me and you start filling and they start filling up all the cabinets with all these toiletries donā€™t forget all the soap and all the cleaning stuff under the sink oh my goodness itā€™s like an entire world wait did you just throw a tote bag in the washing machine hey it really was itā€™s even functional I mean yeah the tiny little people need to wash their tiny little clothes itā€™s incredible but itā€™s going a little too far itā€™s like they make absolutely everything I mean literally everything but small hey itā€™s just a regular banana with a tiny little knife chop up the banana oh we making a smoothie is it actually going to blend though it actually Blends how is it actually blending is what I want to know they got batteries that tiny oh pour in the Little Smoothie oh you got a fancy Little Smoothie Bowl oh man this looks delicious I have never seen somebody use pudding around a cup bro I love pudding pudding custard would literally inhale that just the tip of my tongue just whatā€™s on the menu today pop chicken sandwich a free chicken sandwich they just be handing them out yā€™all got a coupon for that I have made this enough times to know the exact recipe that is some buttermilk they have put in the spices in the buttermilk this is actually one of my favorite things to make I canā€™t have the Popeyeā€™s one because itā€™s not Glu and- free so I got to make my own thatā€™s a real chicken breast oh youā€™re cutting like a loaf of bread thereā€™s just something gross about touching raw meat without gloves or anything I donā€™t know thatā€™s just me personally I always got to have gloves on but also I have nails and I cannot be handling raw meat like no matter how many times I wash my hands I feel like some like molecule of salmonella will get stuck in my nail and then Iā€™m going to eat some chicken wings lick my fingers and they get sick I donā€™t know is that unreasonable anyways got to coat the meat and some flour you got to like let it marinate in the buttermilk for like at least a few hours I leave it like overnight youā€™re also supposed to take some of the buttermilk and put it into the dry mixture thatā€™s how the Fried Chicken gets all that like extra crunchy texture oh my God the pickles the best part my mouth is watering the other day I was so hungry but I was going out to dinner so I didnā€™t want to like eat anything crazy so I just ate a whole entire jar of pickles delicious oh we got a special Pepsi delivery oh no cook it a little more itā€™s not even done yet thatā€™s the sauce you make it a little spicy some lemon juice some mayonnaise o okay yā€™all are legit they are actually following the recipe you cannot tell me that is real bread I want to see the inside of that Iā€™ve seen slime that is more convincing oh my goodness it is actually real bread put some mayonnaise yeah what do you mean yā€™all a going to toast it that is going to be the most delicious bite of a sandwich my mouth is actually watering I want a chicken sandwich so bad right now Fried Chicken is actually one of my favorite foods oh itā€™s perfect it looks so good I feel like this deserves a round of applause this is just great I donā€™t know about the Pepsi though oh gorgeous they literally have everything miniature like name something in this world that they donā€™t have miniature comment below because I feel like Iā€™ve seen it all Iā€™m not going to lie that pieza looks good take a little piece of dough wait why are you cutting it wait was that paint okay no I thought it was is going to be edible itā€™s not even edible whatā€™s the point okay I I definitely saw some glue in there yā€™all really got my hopes up for nothing it it doesnā€™t even look appetizing anymore I donā€™t care how stringy the cheese looks oh is that a Gizzy oh okay I like how they have to keep constantly reminding me that that itā€™s not edible by doing the zoom in on the [Music] clay I donā€™t know if itā€™s Clay or like some kind of pigment yeah thanks for constantly reminding [Music] me okay that does look good actually kind of looks like itā€™s been sitting for a while oo pizza spatula floa in the air thatā€™s thatā€™s kind of impressive but I canā€™t eat it so whatā€™s the point what you handed out for Halloween tiny little candies theyā€™re only slightly smaller than the regular size ones this is the smallest little butcher knife I have ever seen I would even call this a knife then what is it and I thought it was going to be a lot sharper didnā€™t do a very good job peeling this fruit not impressed WAOW they going fishing yeah sometimes I forget that they are actual tiny fish in real life and itā€™s not just for a miniature video I Threw in the walk fried the fish with some garlic soy sauce yā€™all really care about Flavor for this little one bite meal you going to eat this whole thing eyeballs tail and all I donā€™t believe it oh here it is the mini butter all cut up oh so it is real add a little bit of milk some cream mash it all up oh it kind of looks like paint you told me this is edible oh they made a little rainbow cake I donā€™t like the chocolate on top youā€™re youā€™re ruining the rainbow oh like adding another Rainbow on top is going to fix it why does it look like Play-Doh I I saw the butter in the beginning looks almost too good to eat I donā€™t believe it kind of look like Play-Doh Play-Doh is not good as a child I had to try it it was salty never again and whatā€™s for lunch today half a stick of pasta cut up into smaller sticks fill up a pot of water and get some oil I donā€™t even know what yā€™all cooking now Iā€™m going to just trust the process oh theyā€™re making lasagna oh they even have a tiny little aluminum foil to cover the pan wait did you put that in a real oven a lifesize human oven no itā€™s simply too large the lasagna might combust butter tiny little sticks of butter but is it real can you actually cook with it can I melt it on a small Skillet and then we pulled out the prepackaged little bacon itā€™s real and then have just pop it on the skillet no that is not done yā€™all going to have to cook that some more the egg look at the Egg N thatā€™s fake yā€™all didnā€™t crack a tiny egg mm- yā€™all cut it did some bamboozling made a tiny little Breakfast Platter oh my goodness I would inhale that up I donā€™t even think thereā€™s room to chew it I donā€™t know where itā€™s going to rip you wait hello friends itā€™s me Iā€™ve been seeing a bunch of Tik toks about this new Netflix show show called squid game and I wanted to understand the memes I watched the first few episodes and I love the show I really enjoyed it so far would definitely recommend it I havenā€™t finished it yet so no spoilers please but in the show there are death games today I wanted to try out some of the death games to see if I would survive and win all the money in the piggy bank probably not but letā€™s try one of the games involves a sugar honeycomb basically they asked you to pick a shape thereā€™s like circle triangle star umbrella and basically those shapes are printed into a piece of of hard candy called a honeycomb or a dalgona candy before watching this and I saw it on Tik Tok I thought it was a cookie basically you have 10 minutes to try to get the shape out of the rest of the candy if you break the shape or canā€™t complete it in time you die the honeycomb is actually really easy to make all you need is a pan some sugar and a pinch of baking soda and yes theyā€™re vegan for the shapes Iā€™m using a cookie cutter so Iā€™m going to make one thatā€™s a star and one thatā€™s a circle letā€™s begin so weā€™re going to pour our sugar into the pan I think thatā€™s enough and then weā€™re basically going to keep swirling this for like 2 3 minutes until itā€™s melted and you kind of have to keep stirring whatā€™s mommy making sugar Sugarā€™s not for dogs itā€™s starting to get very chunky so weā€™re going to keep mixing oh some of itā€™s turning liquidy and it smells so good in here it smells like candy Wonkaā€™s chocolate factory except thereā€™s no chocolate itā€™s just sugar okay Iā€™m going to lower the heat because this is actually melting way faster than I thought it was going to melt like dang weā€™re already halfway there whatā€™s this is going to make like one cookie itā€™s not a cookie but Iā€™m going to continue to call it a cookie anything round that you eat can be a cookie okay so once it gets to this texture youā€™re going to put like a tiny tiny bit of hello baking soda mou po o a pinch Just A Pinch and then it turns into this pretty color wo okay Iā€™m going to lower the heat cuz itā€™s already starting to Bubble Up and I think itā€™s basically done before it burns Iā€™m going to put it on the wax paper oh I might be able to make another one oh no itā€™s like burning I got to hurry okay Iā€™m going to flatten them so youā€™re going to take a flat surface and just press I donā€™t think you canā€™t WP it okay and then Iā€™m going to put in my shape Circle for this one a star for this one I think it burned attempt number two I really want this to work that weā€™re melting some more sugar and you have to move extremely quick getting chunky I had it on high heat before Iā€™m going to do it on low heat now just so I have more time M chunky chunky like a monkey going to get one perfect cookie out of this just one thatā€™s all I need this one looks promising itā€™s looking like the right color Iā€™m worried if I smush it itā€™s going to mess it up ever so slightly flatten it and then we got one design Iā€™m going to do the star cuz thatā€™s hard hello star oh thereā€™s probably enough material to make a okay now this is stuck bro come on I thought this was supposed to be easy that is the ugliest star Iā€™ve ever seen I would get this one would you like to see the failed attempts these donā€™t even come off the paper theyā€™re so thin M tastes delicious though what did I do wrong now weā€™re going to wait for it to harden the circle one came out decent what what [Music] oh wait no I broke it but the circleā€™s still intact as you can see I think the best way to do this is honestly to lick it until the shape falls out thatā€™s what I would do I took a couple of licks to this and then when you point it towards the light you can see that the circle is about to come out a few more licks I definitely got all the time in the world and itā€™s even more par I feel like I can safely crack well Iā€™m dead There Goes My Life okay this is probably harder than I thought it would be it can really crumble that easily there are no doovers that would be it for me I canā€™t believe this so that one was a very thin cookie this oneā€™s a more meaty one if I can even get it off of the parchment paper Okay half of this is still wax unfortunately I donā€™t have a needle so Iā€™m going to be using a toothpick yeah thereā€™s there is no way we got this on hard mode get out of here not aesthetic now I feel like the hardest thing about squid game is that you have the loud sounds of the gunshots like distracting you so even if you think you can do it with a normal state of mind youā€™re like under a full panic mode oh my God this looks delicious I would just it smells so good the warm scent of sugar is real comforting when people around you are dying wait no no no no no no a I would be the person that like hides it from the guards like no uh-uh I did not mess up it is really good I did it well that was way harder than I thought it was going to be but at least I got to taste it I feel like a failure so I want to try again weā€™re going to play the first death game the red light green light one basically Iā€™m going to start all the way back here and I have to run to the camera weā€™re going to play the [Music] [Music] sound we had an air horn and I was like wo finally a good use for it and guess what as soon as we record it is out of air horn juice useless whatā€™s supposed to have made this hard are people are dying all around you and you didnā€™t even know people were going to die I feel like this is going to be so easy so Iā€™m just going to walk to some of [Music] this oh I supposed to go oops worst day of my life so itā€™s kind of hard to simulate that several days later I woke up today very unsatisfied with yesterdayā€™s results and so here I am doing this for the third time before itā€™s almost hardened you can do the little stamp okay these came out better I think we got a good one I think this is the best itā€™s going to get perhaps this one cuz I donā€™t have the little tool that just smooshes it in for my third and final attempt I feel like this one could just pop out the circle and the fact that itā€™s imprinted so nicely that I could just okay Iā€™m safe Iā€™m still safe still got some wax paper on the back I would not recommend using wax paper because it sticks so badly to these I thought wax paper wasnā€™t supposed to stick Iā€™m going to take the needle for the genuine squid game experience and just o chipped away at that halfway there but I have to be careful cuz I donā€™t know where itā€™s going to rip you wait wa I think the best technique to be safe and make sure that you survive this round is just use a needle and just keep going at it go crazy with it for 10 minutes okay the star is very unfortunate I feel like I probably would have picked the star or the circle the metal tin kind of makes it harder [Music] my needle just snapped and now my cookie snapped wait wait wait wait itā€™s harder than it look Hello friends itā€™s me and today I finally washed my hair Iā€™ve always been in love with anime food it always looks so good I mean it could be just bread and theyā€™ll still be going ham on it I always wondered what these Foods look like in real life in agso thereā€™s this dude and I he drives everyone insane and then ended up being a really good cook and in this scene he was just going ham on the grill and itā€™s so cute itā€™s like noodles and they cut the sausages to make them look like octopuses look at that so good as Sparkles this is a real dish and itā€™s very popular see they take the ends of the hot dog and they cut them oh too cute M delicious yakis SOA in real life just minus the Sparkles oh donā€™t even get me started on the cook cooking and how aesthetically pleasing it is this is what it looks like real life versus anime they did a spoton you could be making the simplest thing like frying an egg and just itā€™s making me so hungry now weā€™re just getting started this next dish is called tamagoyaki this is something Iā€™ve been wanting to make for a very long time ever since I saw a tutorial on how to make this itā€™s basically a very fancy way to do a scrambled egg so in real life itā€™s as delicious as it looks in the anime look at this these look so delicious like when youā€™re sick and tired of regular scrambled eggs you have to get like a square or rectangular pan for this and you keep pouring a little bit of the scrambled egg mix at a time when the first layer is cooked you roll it up and then you keep adding more and then rolling it up oh you can even stuff it with cheese M I just got a carton of eggs Iā€™m about to make this oh this is another food that I was so excited to try for the first time and I tried it like a few months ago rice balls when I was a kid I always always always always wanted to try this so usually they put a piece of seaweed on the bottom of it and my idiotic 12-year-old brain thought it was chocolate so I told my mom I wanted to make the rice balls from PokĆ©mon but I thought it was chocolate so she was like okay so we made these triangular- shaped rice balls and try to like dip them in chocolate and it tasted gross and I went on the rest of my life until a few months ago when I saw them at a restaurant and it was seaweed and one was filled filled with salmon one was filled with like chicken teriyaki it was so delicious this is definitely one of my favorite snacks I wish it was more popular because theyā€™re so good wait are rice balls and Onie Gary the same thing I think theyā€™re the same thing attack Onan is one of my favorite animes of all time and Sasha she always be eating a potato or bread or something your girl likes to eat okay they didnā€™t have fancy foods but in Japan they did have an attack on Titan Cafe and you could buy the actual ration that they would eat so this was supposed to be 3 months worth of food which I I donā€™t understand at all that doesnā€™t make any sense to me because itā€™s literally a cup of soup a piece of bread and some potato excuse me what this is my lunch this ainā€™t even a whole lunch youā€™re telling me this is supposed to last them 3 months now Iā€™ve seen them eat more than that they eat in bread every day I lowkey feel super bad for them cuz they do so much and yā€™all just give them a piece of bread they rarely ever eat meat why yā€™all donā€™t make meat out of the Titan yā€™all canā€™t cook them M yā€™all need that Pro I never see somebody eat a fried egg with chopsticks how do you eat it do you just cut it down the middle like that see Chopsticks are very versatile you can use them for a lot of things I seen people like mix up some scrambled eggs with them you can use it as a fork a knife I donā€™t know about a spoon no thatā€™s why they got those little Ramen spoons so this in real life is just a fried egg and what looks like Canadian bacon under it m delicious breakfast I never seen someone have a side salad with their breakfast and that looks like miso soup Iā€™m like looking at this egg Iā€™m like did they really cut it in half with some Chopsticks and then just eat one side and one side I mean when you eat an egg with a fork you cut it into multiple pieces right how you eat an egg comment below thatā€™s is why I eat mine in a sandwich yā€™all know the dragon balls from Dragon Ball Z somebody made them into the jiggliest roundest juiciest thickest balls that you could actually eat M oh I just want to eat now some of the Dragon in my tummy later so Iā€™ve actually had these before itā€™s called a raindrop cake itā€™s a dessert made of water and sugar and it looks like a Rainer and usually youā€™ll eat it with like syrup sometimes fruit you can put stuff inside it you know I was really excited to try this and when I had it it kind of just tastes like gelatin just like a sugar flavor Jell-O without the strawberry flavor itā€™s like Jell-O but lighter itā€™s not as firm and dense you feel me it was pretty disappointing but it looks cool if you guys want to try one of these you can make it itā€™s supposed to be super easy to make or some boba cafes have these like if they have other desserts sometimes theyā€™ll have these ins spirited way they had this tea time oh my favorite and basically thereā€™s a bunch of desserts thereā€™s a cake thereā€™s cookies thereā€™s sugar thereā€™s tea and they recreated it in real life oh thereā€™s like jello snacks too I feel like it looks better in the show I feel like if you saw this in real life youā€™d be like oh that cake look dry AF why you drinking tea and eating Jello-O it it just donā€™t make sense but usually during tea time you get like a sampler platter or one of those tear displays and they have a ton of different kinds of desserts on it but Iā€™ve never seen Jello but Iā€™ve also never seen a grandma with it nose the size of my thigh So In The Wind Rises thereā€™s a kasutera cake o looks delicious M but in real life it doesnā€™t even look that good it just looks like a slice of cake it doesnā€™t even look like chocolate what is this made of oh itā€™s just a sponge cake itā€™s so perfect though have you ever seen a piece of sponge cake that makes you feel bad about yourself this is it itā€™s more perfect than Iā€™ll ever be in anime theyā€™re always eating Ramen when I was a kid I would watch everyone in anime eat ramen and Iā€™d be like what is this and where do you get it from like I havenā€™t had Ramen up until like I donā€™t know I think like a year ago was the first time I had Ramen there was just no restaurants that had Ramen where I was from like it always looks so good itā€™s like a big noodle soup and by the way they can actually be pretty big in real life at least the places that I go to like we got Bowls the size of Kentucky so Ramen is pretty accurate to what it looks like in real life itā€™s just the noodles you got your meat on top which is either like sliced pork or chicken sometimes they put beef and then you got like a soft boiled egg cut in half I like my Ramen with corn seaweed and lots of garlic vegan ramen is actually really good too they make it with a miso broth this anime had a sweet bun and in real life itā€™s actually a melon pan oh my God those look delicious I think this is the first one that in real life it looks better than it does in the anime wait does it have melon in it what does the inside look like oh my God these look delicious Iā€™ve seen these at some bakeries but theyā€™re not gluten-free so I canā€™t have them also itā€™s just like a bread the melon in the name is very very deceiving man I thought it would be melon flavored oh so when your wifeu loves you very much sheā€™ll make you a Bento Box and usually they make them really cute with like faces and animals and this oneā€™s a bunny so they make the bunny out of rice the ears out of sausages oh you got the little octopus hot dogs you got to put the face on the egg itā€™s kind of weird making it look like a chicken itā€™s like so healthy and looks so delicious but also I would feel bad ruining it I me get you a waiu like this smash like if you would take a bite that is when a greasy large breakfast for such a small child I mean donā€™t even get me started about that whole block of cheese some bread and oh man where you get that bacon from a broncosaurus I thought those are beans for a sec under the eggs but itā€™s just oil and then the two largest eggs I have ever seen those yolks the size of his fist and this is what it looks like in real life just two very very very thick cuts of bacon I use the word appropriately this time I think the first anime that I ever saw Ramen in was Naruto and then later on I found out that that little squiggly thing in the ramen bow is called a Naruto itā€™s a fish cake Iā€™ve had it before I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s good but thatā€™s just me I I thought it was I donā€™t know I donā€™t have an opinion that meat looks really good though and that soft boiled egg looking thick and juicy oh I ainā€™t never heard of somebody describe a egg as juicy I take it back that sound gross what the heck is this is it one of those like in a blanket so this is from Lucky Star itā€™s chocolate itā€™s like a chocolate pastry oh Iā€™ve seen these before so itā€™s like a horn pastry stuffed with Nutella or chocolate thereā€™s the difference M this right up my Alleyway I would eat it the other way though it looks like the chocolateā€™s just going to drip out remember thereā€™s no physics in anime this is the dinner from Porco raso so it looks like some kind of fish with a sauce and some carrots on the side and somebody recreated it oh so it is salmon with like a butter sauce SAU I think M delicious Iā€™ve never had salmon with sauce I really hope you didnā€™t pay $4.99 for a side of three carrots another Ramen oh I love the noodle to broth ratio in this thereā€™s just so much noodles and less broth I think I prefer it like that cuz usually thereā€™s so much broth and not enough noodles extra noodles always cost extra so in Princess monoke oh what they had is oazuke I actually ordered this at a restaurant a few weeks ago I know exactly what this is so itā€™s rice with like a green green tea broth I think they do other broths but the one that I got was a green tea broth which Iā€™ve never heard of before and theyā€™ll put seaweed on it and I got it with salmon on top it was delicious and itā€™s so healthy too and itā€™s a Japanese dish thatā€™s naturally gluten-free so itā€™s like I could always order oazuke okay this does not look very good at all when she thinks she waiu AF and makes you a sandwich with some cheese and a onion slice there are two foods that I donā€™t like raw onion and raw tomato and just raw onion sandwich the cheesee ainā€™t doing any favors vegans be like uh can I get an onion steak I donā€™t know how somebody going to look at this and be like M tasty my next meal idea hereā€™s another lunch box from up on Poppy Hill they have the rolled up egg a hot dog and some rice I love how itā€™s served in such a like a nice metal tin M oh my God the pancakes from your name okay they look so perfect oh these are the Japanese pancakes theyā€™re so thick and they jiggle I feel like the real life doesnā€™t look as good they got the fruit right but they didnā€™t use the jiggly pancake and also if you want to watch a really good anime movie your name is so good so I never watch any movies on a plane and then I was like ooh an anime movie I think Iā€™ll watch it and then 45 minutes later I ended up crying balling my eyes out on this plane catching these feels but no itā€™s really good another one from my friend Toro this one looks like itā€™s rice sardines and peas I donā€™t know what the pink stuff is though I know you might look at it and be like uh thatā€™s that doesnā€™t look too tasty rice and peas are bomb AF together this looks like a sardine you know I went my whole life think is sardines were nasty like those nasty canned fish until I had some fresh sardine it is so bomb and delicious what is this Behemoth itā€™s a katsudon from shokugeki nooma itā€™s basically a rice bowl with steak are those sauteed onions m i mean you see the anime version be like what is this it looks good but I donā€™t know what but in real life itā€™s a totally edible dish itā€™s like beef fajitas but like served differently ooh this fish from The Wind Rises itā€™s just salmon dipped in soy sauce and then you got butter on the side so simple in bakaman they ate takoyaki which is a super popular dish and in real life it looks basically the same I canā€™t eat these but my friends love these basically theyā€™re octopus balls I think they can make them with other meat but a super popular one is octopus Taco Yaki which are technically octopus balls but octopus donā€™t even have balls w so this is a red bean steamed bun from Spirited Away itā€™s ginormous see Iā€™ve had these before but like tiny ones of them this oneā€™s huge [Applause]


  1. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (2)

    @ChandreKriel 1 week ago

    I love ā¤ļø ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤

  2. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (3)

    @BTLSM 1 week ago

    I love you, girl, but is no one talking about the necklace 1:07:42

  3. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (4)

    @SeancaraCurry 1 week ago

    I remember the ketchup chips from Itsfunneh tbhā€¦

  4. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (6)

    @seancaracurry625 1 week ago

    I think Itsfunneh likes ketchup chips, so when I heard ketchup chips I was like, 'waitā€¦.' šŸ˜‚

  5. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (7)

    @LilMarioAM 1 week ago


  6. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (8)

    @LexiSispoorliterallyimbroke 1 week ago

    Not me thinking cheetos in silver bag was a poptartvfor a second

  7. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (9)

    @JaylahSpencer-bb7yy 7 days ago

    I will do hush ups for every like

  8. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (10) 7 days ago

    They just let that lady hurt wasp for no reason thereā€™s no way that company let animal cruelty go right

  9. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (11)

    @sarahbrady6864 7 days ago

    I thot that you were his boyfriend

  10. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (12)

    @MidnightShadowIsaWeirdo 7 days ago

    I call bugles toot-toots because they look like one of those medieval horns šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  11. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (14)

    @louloutromp6006 7 days ago

    danm girl you hot

  12. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (15)

    @shanamesser372 7 days ago

    Bro bro actually bought a devil fruit so what kind of powers I give ya I'm curious

  13. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (16)

    @Holiday_NPC 7 days ago

    Top comments is always like beggers.

  14. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (17)

    @user-it8jx2ne9w 6 days ago

    huneo how

  15. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (18)

    @user-mo2nb3hv2m 6 days ago

    I did not know that digitalnext had a wife lol

  16. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (19)

    @Layliia-bm5ti 6 days ago


  17. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (20)

    @NickMonte-hf5mk 6 days ago


  18. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (21)

    @evanafriends5845 6 days ago


  19. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (22)

    @sofiatorres4746 5 days ago

    The difference of what she gave the wife is crazyšŸ˜‚(no hate)

  20. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (23)

    @Spirit_halloween6795 5 days ago

    12:00 who was that girl in the background i saw a girl walking i saw the refection on the clear door on the right

  21. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (24)

    @nyomibeatty569 5 days ago


  22. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (25)

    @Alivia-stitchgirl 5 days ago


  23. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (26)

    @StrawberrySauce64 5 days ago

    I challenge you to finish the face with anything but has to be a emoji thatā€™s the rule, #1 rule you can only use emoji.

  24. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (27)

    @Cyb3r-G1ld3d 5 days ago

    fun fact! in Europe KFC, Pizza Hut and Subway lays chips can be bought!

  25. Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (28)

    @Macaquefan1842 4 days ago

    When she say bacon soda i was thinking mm edd from eddsworld would like this šŸ˜Ši know i know he gone unlive i know i m sorryšŸ˜¢

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Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before | SSSniperWolf - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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